Source: OSEN via Naver
by VITALSIGNon April 15, 2011
f(x)帶著首張正規專輯Pinocchio 回歸歌謠界,近日公開MV花絮.15日下午,f(x)通過官網和YOURUBE SM頻道,NAVER等,公開了 Pinocchio 的視頻花絮.強烈且爽利的音樂和雖然獨特卻時尚有度的服裝,令花絮一公開就收到了熱烈的反應.
18日0時,f(x)將在MELON,DOSILA,BOXMUSIC等各種音樂網站公開新專輯主打歌 Pinocchio 的音源,22日則將亮相KBS Music Bank ,全面呈現舞臺秀.另一方面,20日,f(x)的第一張正規專輯 Pinocchio 將正式推出,在網絡和實體店同時銷售.
After releasing a series of teaser photos earlier this month, f(x) has finally unveiled their music video teaser for their official “Pinocchio” comeback track Danger (피노키오)!
Pinocchio (Danger) has an electronic pop track with a powerful beat and unique guitar sound that harmonizes well with the voices of each of the members. Lyrics detail the story of innocent, young love through the eyes of Pinocchio. Coinciding with the fairy tale theme is a MV that looks as if it’s straight out of a fantasy comic.
The girls will be releasing their title track online on April 18th, followed by the full album’s release on the 20th. f(x)’s first comeback performance will be held through KBS’s “Music Bank” on the 22nd.
f(x)成員Luna公開自拍 炫耀了小巧V字臉
f(x)成員Luna公開自拍照炫耀了自己的小巧的V字臉。 Luna14日在自己的me2day寫道:『諸位?明天就是我們首張專輯公開預告片的日子了~我也真的非常期待。請多多喜愛《PINOCCHIO》~!我當了《MTV The Show》的MC,以後會成為更努力的Luna,也請大家多多支持f(x)的活動。???』並公開了一張自拍。