AKB48から初のダンス&ボーカルグループが誕生! メンバーは秋元才加・梅田彩佳・増田有華・宮澤佐江の4人組。新生DiVAとしてデビュー! DVDには「タイトル未定」(Video Clip)、Special Making Movieを収録。 初回限定盤には、デビュー記念イベント! メッセージ入りネームカード交換会参加券&ネームカード台紙封入。
Source: natalie, Official Website
by Sujinon April 13, 2011
AKB48 sub-unit DiVA have just released the covers and track lists to their debut single, “Tsuki no Uragawa“.
The girls are debuting on avex, so it’s no wonder that one of their coupling songs is written by hitmaker Komuro Tetsuya. Komuro produced the song “Information”, which can be found on ‘Type-B’ of the single, and fans are curious as to see what kind of song these two have come up with.
The single is scheduled to release May 18th and will have three types, excluding the regular edition. Each limited edition will come with a DVD with different contents and different jacket designs.
Only the first press limited editions of Types A-C will come with a message name card and participation card to DiVA’s debut commemoration event.
The regular edition will include a theatre disc privilege and 1 of 4 random cards. It will also have 1 ticket to a handshake event.
< Type-A / Jacket Design A/D >
1. Tsuki no Uragawa
2. Fade Out
3. Tsuki no Uragawa -Instrumental-
4. Fade Out -Instrumental-
[ DVD ]
1. Tsuki no Uragawa (PV)
2. Special Making Movie
< Type-B / Jacket Design B/E >
1. Tsuki no Uragawa
2. Information
3. Tsuki no Uragawa -Instrumental-
4. Information -Instrumental-
[ DVD ]
1. Tsuki no Uragawa (PV)
2. DiVA member document
< Type-C / Jacket Design C/F >
1. Tsuki no Uragawa
2. Blue rose -DiVA ver.-
3. Tsuki no Uragawa -Instrumental-
4. Blue rose -DiVA ver.- -Instrumental-
[ DVD ]
1. Tsuki no Uragawa (PV)
2. AKB48 member messages to DiVA
< 劇場盤Regular Edition >
1. Tsuki no Uragawa
2. Tsuki no Uragawa -Royal Mirrorball Mix-
3. Tsuki no Uragawa -Instrumental-
4. Tsuki no Uragawa -Royal Mirrorball Mix- (Instrumental)
You can check out the PV short version of “Tsuki no Uragawa” below, if you haven’t checked it out already.
DiVA comments on their new single, “Tsuki no Uragawa”
by peachsodaon April 13, 2011
In anticipation of their exciting debut single, “Tsuki no Uragawa”, out May 18th, DiVA has uploaded a video comment about the single on avex’s official YouTube channel.
They commented, “Hello to everyone watching avex Channel! We’re DiVA! Our major debut single, “Tsuki no Uragawa” will be released on May 18th! The intense characteristics of this song are about understanding the pain and fleeting nature of a girl’s love.
Right now on mu-mo shop, those who preorder “Tsuki no Uragawa” can apply for one of three special events where we’ll be giving away signboards with our signatures! Definitely buy the CD and get one!”
Check it out below!