Source: Barks
by kurumion April 6, 2011
On April 3rd, Hello! Project soloist Kikkawa Yuu held a special “pre-debut” event at the Shibuya Tower Records store in order to give her fans a sneak peek at her upcoming debut in May.
The idol had previously been scheduled to appear in Nagoya, Osaka, and Sendai as part of her pre-debut performance tour across Japan, but the March 11th earthquake forced her to cancel her plans after only two live events. The Tokyo performance – her second since the earthquake hit several weeks ago – gathered 500 fans.
During the event, Kikkawa performed her debut song, “Kikkake wa YOU!”, as well as all the B-sides from her first single. Additionally, since Kikkawa lives in an area that was impacted quite heavily by the March 11th earthquake, she gave a short speech to the audience and set up a donation box.
“I’m so happy that I, Kikkawa Yuu, can sing in front of you all,” the Tohoku native said humbly to the crowd before her. “This time, it pains my heart to think that there are people who were affected by the earthquake and couldn’t come to this event even if they wanted to. But even though it’s something small, I can say with confidence that I want to go on singing so that I can have a chance to make everyone even just a bit more energetic by singing, and so that I can send my energy to the victims of the disaster.”
Before ending her “concert” with a handshake event, Kikkawa held a special question-and-answer corner with her fans, where she revealed some interesting facts about herself. One fan asked Kikkawa what hairstyle she would change to if she decided to get an image change, to which she mischievously replied that she’d like to shave it all off.
Take a look at some of the pictures from the event below!