BigBang日本巡回下月啟動 與粉絲分享「愛與希望」


BigBang新專輯在日本上市後還將舉行巡回演出,雖然之前因日本大地震而有各種消息傳出,最終BigBang日本經紀公司方面表示並不存在任何 問題,並決定正式展開「BigBang Presents Love & Hope Tour 2011」演唱會,為了祝福那些因地震而受災的日本粉絲特將演唱會主題定為「愛與希望」。隊員們對此表示:「這樣糟糕的狀況下更需要對未來抱有希望,我們 也希望和粉絲一起分享愛和希望」。


by VITALWARNINGon April 14, 2011
After a brief hiatus and immense teasing over the past week, Big Bang has returned to the scene with their 4.5 repackaged album and are beginning promotions once more on tonight’s Mnet’s M! Countdown.

Their two title tracks for the album, “Love Song” and “Stupid Liar”, were co-produced by G-Dragon and Teddy. Both “Love Song” and “Stupid Liar” deliver a catchy, electronic rhythm with a unique modern rock feel that is sure to set off another trend in the K-pop industry.

Check out their double-song performance below!


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