Catalog No. YCCW-10128
Label/Distributor avex trax
Release Date 2011/05/18

坂本美雨の前作『PHANTOM girl』からさらに進化したエレクトロ・ポップアルバムが完成!! The Shanghai Restoration Projectとの共作で斬新な「エレクトロニカ・ポップ」を誕生させた前作『PHANTOM girl』から1年。今作でも再びタッグを組んだ二人から、前作以上の驚きと爽やかな心地よさをあわせ持つ傑作が完成。エレクトロサウンドと美しいヴォーカルワークの有機的な結合は、より深みを増したソングライティングとエレクトロの枠を超えた多様な楽器の導入により、さらなる高みへと達した「ビューティフル・エレクトロ」が誕生。小室哲哉氏による提供曲「True Voice」を収録。Mr.Children、ゆずなどのアートワークを手掛ける稀代のアートディレクター・森本千絵氏によるアートワーク。初回限定盤は同氏ディレクションのPV映像収録予定の特典DVD付き。

Source: Sakamoto Miu’s Official Website
by kurumion April 9, 2011

J-Pop singer Sakamoto Miu has just revealed the PV for her upcoming song, “Precious”!

“Precious” boasts a gorgeous arrangement song with an elegant PV to match. The song is one of the new tracks off her upcoming album, “HATSUKOI”, a collaboration effort with the electronic group The Shanghai Restoration Project, who worked with electropop singer MEG for her mini-album “Journey”.

“HATSUKOI” – which officially hits stores on May 18th – is said to mix the distinct flavors of Sakamoto’s music with choral singing, violins and cellos, and Indian hand drums for a varied electro-acoustic sound. Additionally, the track “True Voice” was written by Komuro Tetsuya himself for the release, providing further variety on her latest album.

Check out the PV and the track list for “HATSUKOI” below!

< “HATSUKOI” Track List >

01 Joy
02 Ring of Tales
03 Precious
04 Interlude? Lacryma Dancer
05 Let You Go
06 True Voice
07 Accidental Merry-go-round
08 Silent Dancer
09 Everything Is New
10 Eyjar

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