Catalog No. VICL-36637
Label/Distributor Victor Entertainment
Release Date 2011/05/11

資生堂アネッサ2011CMソングに決定した、夏を盛り上げるポップチューン完成!! エモーショナルでクラシカルな佇まいからドラマチックなJ-POPを奏でる新進バンド、のあのわ。これまでのメルヘンな楽団イメージより、躍動感のあるロック・ポップ色を強め、イントロから躍動するバンドサウンドが印象的なナンバーが完成! 太陽がきらめき、心躍る"恋"の季節の到来を前に、happyに一歩踏み出す勇気をくれるポップチューン!

Source: Oricon
by kurumion April 5, 2011

Five-member band noanowa has just revealed the cover for their latest single, “Have a Good Day!”

The uplifting, cheerful summer song is currently scheduled to hit stores as a single on May 11th, and already made an appearance as the CM song for the latest Shiseido “Anessa” commercials. Actress Aoi Yu makes an appearance in both the CM and the cover of the single.

noanowa also revealed that the coupling track “Ii yo” would feature no vocals from their vocalist and only female member, Yukko. Instead, the “love song” utilizes a cello, a guitar, a piano, an organ, a bass guitar, and a set of drums.


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