Source: SPN via Nate
by Supermaron April 5, 2011

Super Junior-K.R.Y.演唱的《super star k 3》主題歌成為了焦點。Super Junior-K.R.Y.演唱的《super star k 3》主題歌將從24日釜山地區預賽開始播放,直到11月選秀截止,是為了給參賽選手加油打氣而特別創作的。《Superstar K》前兩季的主題歌分別由Jewelry和4minute演唱,本次則由Super Junior-K.R.Y.獻聲。

《super star k 3》主辦方表示:「作為全韓國人共同參與的全民選秀節目,從開始舉辦就一直邀請韓國TOP歌手演唱主題歌。本次《super star k 3》不僅吸引了韓國參賽者,在國外也可以報名參加,因此我們特別邀請了在中國、泰國等地擁有最高人氣的組合Super Junior來演唱主題曲。」而Super Junior-K.R.Y.成員也表示:「能演唱這麼受歡迎的節目的主題歌很開心,希望大家都能喜歡我們的歌。」據悉截止到本月3日《super star k 3》報名者已經突破100萬人。

Super Junior’s ballad sub-unit, Super Junior K.R.Y (Kyuhyun, Ryeowook, Yesung), will be singing the theme song for Mnet’s reality TV program, ‘Superstar K3‘. Season 1’s theme song was sang by Jewelry, followed by 4minute for Season 2.

The theme song for ‘Superstar K3′ will be played starting on April 24th during the Busan preliminary auditions, and will be utilized until the program ends in November.

Representatives from ‘Superstar K3′ expressed, “Because ‘Superstar K’ is a program that discovers stars, the theme songs have been sung by Korea’s top stars. Moreover, because there have been immense responses in oversea auditions such as in China, Thailand, and other Asian countries, we have picked a global group like Super Junior K.R.Y to sing the theme song.

Super Junior K.R.Y commented, ‘We are very happy to sing for a program that has garnered so much attention. We hope people will receive our music well.

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