Source: Oricon
by Kankion April 4, 2011

EXILE has achieved a lot on the Oricon and their latest album “Negai no Tou” is no exception, going into its 4th week on the Oricon. However, they’ve now accomplished something that they’ve never accomplished before.

This week, the album sold 35,000 copies and a total of 618,000 making it number one on the 4/11 Weekly Album Ranking. So far, this album has been number one for three straight weeks starting from 3/21 until 4/4. Since their debut back in 2001, this is the first time that EXILE has been number one for 3 consecutive weeks!

Before now, they have only been number one for two consecutive weeks with their albums “EXILE ENTERTAINMENT” (December 2003) and “PERFECT BEST” (January 2005).
Congratulations, EXILE!


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