Source: Naver Music
by VITALSIGNon April 4, 2011

Hip hop trio Crispi Crunch has teamed up with Baskin Robbins to deliver an adorable CF track that’s titled, “Pink Spoon“.

Soul Connection’s Csp, Tata Clan’s JDEE, and Lil’ Cheezy aimed to express the brand’s sweet image through catchy lyrics and an upbeat melody. With a guest feature from vocalist Min Young, “Pink Spoon” compares the 31 flavors of Baskin Robbins to the blooming love between new couples in spring.

A representative of Baskin Robbins commented, “By listening to the sweet and fun ‘Pink Spoon’ song, we hope that lovers and friends will be able to enjoy Baskin Robbins ice cream and spend a memorable time together in the upcoming spring season.”

Check out Crispi Crunch’s recent feature in the 22nd Mic Swagger as well:

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