"Songs For Japan" is a charity compilation album dedicated to supporting victims of Tohoku-Pacific Ocean Earthquake. This double CD contains various songs by worldwide artists and bands. The sales of the album are donated for Japanese recovery through the Japanese Red Cross Society from Sony Music Entertainment (U.S.). Comes with a description and lyrics.
Four major record companies collaborated on this project, and the biggest names contributed their hit songs or remixes for Japan including "Imagine (John Lennon)," "Walk On (U2)," "Miles Away (Madonna)," and more. In conjunction with the release of the CDs, we set up new pages to review relief support activities by many artists/bands.
Label: Legacy
Release Date Apr 05, 2011
01 John Lennon - Imagine 03:03
02 U2 - Walk On 04:23
03 Bob Dylan - Shelter From The Strom 04:59
04 Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Around The World 03:58
05 Lady Gaga - Born This Way (Starsmith Remix) 06:44
06 BeyoncΘ - Irreplaceable 03:46
07 Bruno Mars - Talking To The Moon 03:36
08 Katy Perry - Firework 03:46
09 Rihanna - Only Girl (In The World) 03:54
10 Justin Timberlake - Like I Love You 04:31
11 Madonna - Miles Away (Live) 04:46
12 Eminem Featuring Rihanna - Love This Way You Lie 04:23
13 Bruce Springsteen - Human Touch 05:08
14 Josh Groban - Awake (Live) 05:37
15 Keith Urban - Better Life 04:41
16 The Black Eyead Peas - One Tribe 04:41
17 P!nk - Sober 04:09
18 Cee Lo Green - It's Ok 03:45
01 Lady Antebellum - I Run To You 04:15
02 Bon Jovi - What Do You Got 03:46
03 Foo Fighters - My Hero 04:20
04 R.E.M. - Man On The Moon (Live In Tokyo) 06:01
05 Nicki Minaj - Save Me 03:05
06 Sade - by Your Side 04:33
07 Michael BublΘ - Hold On (Alt Mix) 04:05
08 Justin Bieber - Pray (Acoustic Album Version) 03:32
09 Adele - Make You Feel My Love 03:30
10 Enya - If I Could Be Where You Are 03:57
11 Elton John - Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me 05:35
12 John Mayer - Waiting On The World To Change 03:20
13 Queen - Teo Torriatte (Let Us Cling Together) 05:52
14 Kings Of Leon - Use Somebody 03:51
15 Sting - Featuring The Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra, Conductor- Steven Mercurio F 04:50
16 Leona Lewis - Better In Time 03:53
17 Ne-Yo - One In A Million 04:01
18 Shakira - Whenever, Wherever 03:17
19 Norah Jones - Sunrise 03:19
用音樂為日本祈福 讓音樂來撫慰人心 給日本微笑的力量
◎精彩網羅U2、Lady Gaga、碧昂絲、瑪丹娜、小賈斯汀、黑眼豆豆、蕾哈娜、巴布狄倫、凱蒂佩芮、賈斯汀、里歐娜、約翰藍儂等巨星無私貢獻排行主打,藉由動人旋律撫慰人心
索尼音樂(Sony Music Entertainment)及其全球子公司將捐獻其對本專輯銷售之100%淨收益予日本紅十字會。
2011年3月11號,日本發生芮氏9.0級地震,相當於16000顆原子彈爆炸所釋放出的能量!同時引發高過七層樓的海嘯衝擊,事後又遭遇核能外洩侵害,這個浩劫引發了全球關注。震垮了家園、沖散了親人、重傷了人心,全世界的人都看到了這些怵目驚心畫面,同時也主動的一起為日本祈福、為日本加油,有錢出錢、有力出力,各方善心捐款與物資開始湧入集結。擦乾眼淚,劫後餘生的災民們,望著已認不出自家何處的殘破景象,後續重建工程將備感艱辛!動員索尼音樂、環球唱片、EMI及華納等全球四大公司旗下西洋藝人,不分廠牌、跨越領域、聚集各世代群星發揮大愛齊力接唱,藉由《SONGS FOR JAPAN》動人旋律撫慰人心,專輯淨收入將全部捐作日本紅十字會救災專用款項。
一路排開37位歌手/團體,無私貢獻排行最優主打,精采網羅:民謠之父Bob Dylan替你擋風遮雨的〈Shelter From The Storm〉、最偉大搖滾樂團披頭四中傳奇大師John Lennon的〈Imagine〉、擁有22座最多葛萊美加冕天團U2的〈Walk On〉、百變流行歌姬Lady Gaga正熱且尚未推出專輯前的冠軍主打〈Born This Way〉、玩美女神Beyonce稱霸排行十週NO.1的〈Irreplaceable〉、火星人布魯諾催淚小品〈Talking To The Moon〉、夯世代花邊教主Katy Perry正面勵志登頂歌謠〈Firework〉、小娜妹Rihanna舞動人心的〈Only Girl (In The World)〉、最潮型男Justin Timberlake愛你無限的〈Like I Love You〉、世紀天后Madonna搭配木村拓哉擔綱日劇「Change」主題曲〈Miles Away〉、白人饒舌第一痞子Eminem和Rihanna共鳴之〈Love The Way You Lie〉、寶貝男孩Justin Bieber真心祈禱作〈Pray〉、美聲黑珍珠Leona Lewis的BBC Sport Relief公益活動曲〈Better In Time〉、拉丁性感女皇Shakira大展能量魅力的〈Whenever Wherever〉…等37首好歌。購買一張滿是好音樂的合輯,替日本災民盡一點心力!