Source: Xports via Nate
by skang90on April 1, 2011
H.O.T.’s Tony An was involved in an incident where he embarrassed himself in front of his fan, who was none other than Lady Jane!
The March 31st episode of MBC’s ‘Night of Shining Memories‘ saw a bunch of veteran idols get together as representatives of the original idol era. H.O.T.’s Moon Hee Jun, Tony An, and g.o.d’s Son Ho Young, Danny Ahn and Kim Tae Woo appeared alongside T-ara’s Hyomin and Lady Jane.
The story came out after Lady Jane mentioned how she had dreamed of becoming a star like her idols, H.O.T. She then moved on to talk about how she had always wanted to meet Tony, and she finally got the opportunity at boyfriend Simon D’s housewarming party.
She revealed that Tony An apparently got drunk very quickly, and started saying that he wanted to eat ramen. When Lady Jane made him some ramen, he said it was delicious, and then accidentally spilled it all over the place. It was quite the shock for Lady Jane as she watched Tony crash and burn; she had envisioned her idol to be much more cool and aloof in person.
While on the topic, Lady Jane also showed off her collection of fan items she kept from her H.O.T. idolization days.
- Apr 02 Sat 2011 02:03
sk 레이디제인(全智慧/티라미스成員) 토니안與心儀偶像H.O.T安勝浩見面 Lady Jane was disappointed when she met Tony An