Source: TV Daily via Nate
by ramham424on March 30, 2011


日本著名雜誌《anan》向來以只用TOP STAR當做封面模特兒聞名,在年輕女性群中有著壟斷性的人氣,本期雜誌選用在日本極具人氣的張根碩作為模特兒,也得到了女性讀者的大力支持。

平時就非常喜愛電視劇《原來是美男》的雜誌編輯們也一直期待著和張根碩的合作,他一出現在拍攝現場,就掀起了一番小高潮,張根碩的敬業姿態以及帥氣 模樣更是讓在場的工作人員都大為贊嘆。張根碩自己也表示:『對於能成為《anan》的封面模特兒感到非常吃驚,另外僅僅一周就銷售了28萬冊也讓我感到十 分驚訝,真心感謝大家對我的喜愛。』


Jang Geun Suk has graced the front cover of the weekly Japanese magazine, ‘Anan‘. The issue was released on March 23rd and sold out all 280,000 copies!

‘Anan’ is a famous Japanese magazine that’s popular with women in their 20s to 30s. It’s known for having only the top Japanese stars on its cover – to see Jang Geun Suk being picked demonstrates his popularity amongst Japanese women.

Even the staff members were affected by the star, as it’s being reported that they were eagerly anticipating his arrival. They’re said to be big fans of his drama, “You’re Beautiful“, and were captivated by the actor’s professionalism and sense of style.

Jang Geun Suk stated, “I was quite surprised when I was picked to be on the main cover of ‘Anan’. I filmed happily and the atmosphere on setwas great. When I heard about the number of sales for the magazine, I was very surprised since ‘Anan’ is a weekly magazine. I’m always thankful that people are interested in me and give me lots of love.

The actor is currently preparing for his Asian tour, which is to be held in Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Shanghai, Thailand and Malaysia next month.

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