Source: MyDaily via Nate
by VITALSIGNon March 31, 2011
“還以為在拍電影呢,就和電影主角一樣,太帥了..”,“努力訓練的樣子真的很帥..”,“在辛苦的環境里也適應的這麼好,果然是玄彬”…看到照片的網友紛紛留言,為玄彬加油助威. 特別是他出色的外貌和獨特的氣質,讓整組照片顯得就像是在海兵隊的舞臺上上演的電影場面一樣,令網友們感歎不已.
31日下午,海兵隊博客< Fly! Marine Boy >上傳了一系列題為<新兵1137期-第二周訓練>的照片,照片中包括玄彬在內的海兵隊1137期新兵正在接受高強度的訓練. 演員玄彬海兵隊訓練充滿氣勢,照片公開. 這是電影畫面還是海兵隊的訓練呢?
Even though actor Hyun Bin withdrew from the public to serve with the marines, he’s still managing to headline the Korean news. Photos of the star training with his team were uploaded onto the official marines blog, “Fly Marine Boy“, on the afternoon of March 31st.
Documenting his second week of training, the photos reveal that the level of difficulty has been amped. Fans can see the actor undergoing intensive IBS and KAAV boarding drills, as well as landing drills.
Having completed two out of the mandatory six weeks of training, it won’t be long before Hyun Bin begins his 21-months of active service.
- Apr 01 Fri 2011 07:26
sk 현빈 玄彬海兵隊訓練照片再公開!~就像電影畫面一樣 Hyun Bin enters his second week of training with the marines