Source: Newsen
by sweetrevengeon March 27, 2011

Netizens are claiming that Ivy has gained a little weight, as seen by a series of different pictures from over the month.

On March 28th, Park Kyung Lim tweeted a picture of herself with the singer when they went to go watch the musical, ’Aida.’ The star is seen slinging her arm around Ivy, and while netizens smiled at the warm friendship shared between the two, they also noticed that Ivy had put on a little weight.

This state was also noticed on Kim Soo Ro’s recent Twitter post, which revealed a picture taken from the backstage of his play, “Yigidong Gymnasium“. Fans seem to approve of the slight increase in weight, as they commented, “She’s pretty even with a little more weight,” “Stay just the way you are now,” and “Hurry and come back.”

Hilariously, Ivy confessed through her blog that she’s actually on a diet. She wrote, “Is this food that a person eats?” and described her dinner menu of broccoli, mushrooms, chicken breasts, and tofu. She sadly commented that she wanted to eat other types of food. “I want to eat something oily. Nobody believes me but I gained 4kg.”

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