by VITALSIGNon March 28, 2011

歌手孫丹菲為某運動品牌拍攝了夏季的廣告。她展示了更加年輕的面孔與結實的腹肌、腿部曲線,並公開了打造完美身材的秘訣。他為了保持好身材,經常進行超負荷體能訓練,打造了如此健康的身體。 另外,她特別注重控制體重,並跳舞蹈來減壓。在拍攝過程中,孫丹菲不斷地向工作人員傳授秘籍,在愉快地氛圍中完成了拍攝。在廣告中,孫丹菲將公開運動時也 能時尚而漂亮的方法,而且她還將講述成為比基尼之神的方法,吸引了眾人的關注。

In her latest photoshoot with “Descente“, singer Son Dambi had not only showed off her tight abs and sexy legs, but even gave advice on how to achieve a fit body.

First, she suggests starting off your routine by stretching with weight training, which is followed by weight exercise, aerobic exercise, and finally stretching. Son Dambi pays extra attention to individual parts of her body during the weight exercise portion of the routine. On days where she can’t hit the gym, she goes for a jog around her neighborhood.

The second part to her fitness routine lies in power dancing. Since she also uses it as a form of stress relief, Son Dambi revealed that she enjoyed dancing to hip hop and jazz, and that she loves lending her body to the rhythm without any set structure or system.

Stay tuned for her upcoming bikini shots!

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