Source + Photo: Star News
by Kingpoloon March 25, 2011

Core Contents Media金光洙代表攜手所屬藝人開展咖啡連鎖店事業。25日Core Contents Media透露目前金光洙代表將于7月1日在首爾狎鷗亭設立1號店,為開展韓國國內咖啡連鎖店的目標做準備。為此金代表正在和相關連鎖店事業的專家進行深度討論中。

金代表當天下午對star news表示:“咖啡連鎖店的名字是‘Coffee Page One’,這個名字來源於電視劇‘咖啡屋子’中T-ara恩靜經營的咖啡店‘Page One’。”金代表也是去年SBS電視劇“咖啡屋子”的製作人之一。


目前Core Contents Media公司旗下擁有黃靜茵、T-ara、Davichi、諾瑉宇、洋蔥、男女共學、5dolls、李真、洪真英等各種人氣歌手和演員們。

Kim Kwang Soo, CEO of Core Contents Media which houses some of the most popular idols such as T-ara, Co-ed School, 5dolls, Davichi, Hong Jin Young, and more, will be expanding the company’s current business into a new chain of cafés.

On March 25th, Kim Kwang Soo’s representatives met with Star News and revealed, “The coffee chain will tentatively be named ‘Coffee House Support’ which comes from the drama ‘Coffee House’ in which Eunjung played a major role in. Due to the fact that the drama did very well, and Eunjung enjoyed the experience, we wanted to further support the drama with a new business chain revolved solely around that.”

Kim Kwang Soo himself then stated, “The artists of our company will also act as shareholders, and will combine the entertainment industry with our upcoming opening of the café chain.”

The shops are expected to open around July 1st of this year in Seoul. Kim Kwang Soo is currently straightening out the details with business professionals.

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