Source: Seoul News via Naver
by Denouementon March 23, 2011
Girl's Day身穿制服火辣演出,但是表演服太惹火,成員裙底風光一覽無疑,驚見白色蕾絲底褲,讓粉絲相當驚訝,也遭到部分網友撻伐,認為這樣的穿著太露骨,表演不適宜兒童觀賞。
Girl's Day日舉行的show case中的表演後,有網友上傳照片,成員因為裙子太短導致白色蕾絲小褲褲出來見客;團體所屬經紀公司在「內褲風波」後首次出面澄清此事,表示演出服裝是成員自己動手用校服裝修改而成,校服裙裏面並不是內褲,而是作了特別保護措施的小熱褲而已。
DreamTea Entertainment
, the agency representing Girl’s Day, has addressed the recent controversy surrounding an alleged ‘underwear exposure’ incident during the girls’ performances. Netizens are accusing the girls of flashing their underwear, but the agency explains that it’s just a misunderstanding – what people are actually seeing are the members’ white short shorts, which have a lace trim.
DreamTea Entertainment explained, “We think that the misunderstanding came about because of the shorts worn under the skirts, which are white and have lace decorations. We could see how they could be confused for something else, so we’ll change the outfits.”
This controversy surrounding Girl’s Day sprouted after their comeback showcase on March 16th, and it quickly gained buzz thanks to chatter on blogs, Twitter, and me2day.
Still, the girls are determined to do their best and not let the incident wear them down. Girl’s Day are continuing to gain popularity with their new single, ‘Twinkle Twinkle’, which is on its way to becoming a top hit because of its addictive melody and cute choreography.