by HPrieston March 22, 2011
Remember the rumors about Zac Efron playing Shotaro Kaneda, one of the two lead characters in the upcoming Hollywood live-action adaption of the classic anime “Akira” back in November? Well, it seems like this rumor won’t come true after all, but instead we might get to see Twilight heartthrob Robert Pattinson as Shima Tetsuo, the other lead character, according to
Apparently Warner Bros/Legendary Pictures has sent the script to various actors, hoping to finally get this project started this year. The rewrite by Steve Kloves takes place in a rebuilt New Manhattan where a leader of a biker gang saves his friend from a medical experiment.
Five actors have received the script for the role of Kaneda – Garrett Hedlund, Michael Fassbender, Chris Pine, Justin Timberlake and Joaquin Phoenix. The role of Tetsuo already seems to be down to three actors, Robert Pattinson, Andrew Garfield and James McAvoy. It is highly likely that the two lead actors will come from both of those groups.
The live-action “Akira” will be produced by Andrew Lazar together with Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Davisson Killoran. After acquiring the rights for a remake from publisher Kodansha for quite a large sum two years ago, Warner Bros aims to make a total of two “Akira” films.
根據報導,憑《歌舞青春/High School Musical》大紅大紫的 Zac Efron,將有可能在根據日本動漫改編的好萊塢真人版電影《Akira》中扮演男主角金田(Kaneda)。
好萊塢好故事缺乏,近年來頻頻從亞洲挖劇本。《Akira》是日本動漫大師大友克洋(Katsuhiro Otomo)的代表作,1988年曾以動畫片的形式搬上大銀幕。故事講述一個酷愛騎著摩托飛車的少年意外喚醒了自己體內一種強大的超能力,這種超能力在他手中逐漸失控最終導致毀滅性災難。
好萊塢將其改編成真人版,由《The Book of Eli》導演 Allen Hughes和 Albert Hughes兄弟執導。他們準備分成兩集拍攝:上集根據漫畫前 3卷改編,下集根據後 3卷。
在 Zac Sfron受到邀請之前,Leonardo DiCaprio也曾被傳會主演本片,原因是他的亞壁古道公司(Appian Way)將負責製作該片。不過很快這則傳言就被否認,因為 Leonardo的年紀扮演少年金田有點太老了。
另外,還有傳言說 Joseph Gordon-Levitt將扮演金田好友鐵雄(Tetsuo),不過他否認自己受到邀請。