Source: Arts News via Naver, Diamond Girls Yozm
by VITALSIGNon March 18, 2011
在音樂界女子組合接連不斷推出的情況下,SBS決定換種角度創造全新形式的組合。SBS E!TV和SBS Plus電視臺5月將推出新節目,“Diamond Girls”,讓觀眾和網友們參與為期3個月的女生組合的製作過程。通過Daum網站的“TV Pot”以及“Yozm”的社交網路服務,觀眾們可以直接對組合的選拔、名稱、舞蹈、歌曲、甚至是宣傳策略、專輯封面拍攝等各種方面提出自己的意見。
The flood of girl groups seems to be coming at the industry full force this year, and they’re all touting different concepts to set them apart.
Noting the impact of this musical phenomenon, SBS’s E!TV and Plus have teamed up to produce a new ‘girl group creation’ program this May called the “Diamond Girls“, where viewers and netizens will be able to literally ‘raise’ the group themselves for a total of three months.
Through Daum’s “TV Pot” and social networking site “Yozm“, viewers will be communicating directly with the directors of the show in choosing everything from the group’s casting, to eliminations, their group name, choreography, debut song, promotion tactics, and album jacket photoshoots.
The program was first introduced on “Yozm” on March 16th, and garnered explosive interest, with netizens writing, “It’s a fresh idea,” “The program will do well, especially since audition shows have been gaining so much popularity lately,” and “It’s a unique concept.”
An impressive line-up of producers will be participating in the program, including Yoo Young Suk, Shin Hae Chul, Joo Young Hoon, and Tony An.
The program will run for a total of 12 episodes from May through August.