◎請來貓王御用大師Tony Brown、Taylor Swift幕後推手Nathan Chapman、跨界搖滾老將Marti Frederiksen(Ozzy Osbourne、Areosmith)協力操盤
◎首波主打〈A Little Bit Stronger〉,請到Lady Antebellum女主唱Hillary Scott和聲,拿下鄉村榜Top18
1. Desperately
2. A Little Bit Stronger
3. My Heart Can`t Tell You No
4. Anywhere
5. Alone
6. Love Don`t Need No Ticket To Ride
7. Life Without Losing
8. What That Drink Cost Me
9. Wildfire
10. Born To Fly
Multi-platinum selling country star, Sara Evans, releases her sixth studio album, Stronger. The lead single from the project, A Little Bit Stronger is causing a huge reaction at country radio and is racing up the charts. The digital single, earned a Top-10 debut on Billboard s Country Digital Songs chart and continues to resonate with consumers. Also, A Little Bit Stronger is featured on the album Country Strong (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack). Evans career spans well over a decade with a string of hits including four number ones and numerous Top 10s. Evans also holds an ACM Top Female Vocalist of the Year honor among several other awards including CMA, Billboard, BMI, and Dove awards.
睽違6年之久,樂迷引頸長盼的鄉村歌后Sara Evans回來了!曾於98年入選Billboard「值得注意十大藝人」與「十大新星」名單、抱走全美鄉村音樂獎「年度女演唱人」肯定、2001年鄉村音樂獎入圍5項的鄉村樂天后。
來自美國密蘇里州的Sara,出身美國農村家庭,不僅要打理農事,更擔起照顧6個年幼的弟妹的責任。5歲即展現音樂才華,每周都和家族樂團四處走唱。16歲在各大俱樂部solo演出。1991年移居鄉村音樂中心納許維爾,1995年錄製的DEMO在詞曲創作人Harlan Howard穿針引線下,成功與RCA簽約。1997年發行首張專輯《Three Chords and The Truth》,結合濃郁的傳統音韻,引起樂評大力稱許,入選Billboard、華盛頓郵報、Dallas Morning News、Request、Country Music People年度Top10專輯。2000年的關鍵成名作《Born To Fly》,銷售大破雙白金,更是商業與藝術雙贏的里程之作。2005年的《Real Fine Place》,空降鄉村榜冠軍、流行榜Top3,締造個人最佳排行成績。
醞釀多時的回歸大碟《Stronger》,請來曾協助貓王巡演,琴藝了得的大師Tony Brown、加上小天后Taylor Swift的《Fearless》和《Speak Now》幕後推手,擁有2座葛萊美肯定的Nathan Chapman、跨界搖滾老將Marti Frederiksen等堅強的夢幻團隊協力操盤。具備順暢旋律、動人和聲的開場〈Desperately〉,帶來一支流行風味滿點的優質作品;走出失婚陰霾的〈A Little Bit Stronger〉,做為此輯的首波主打,53屆葛萊美晚會上光芒耀眼Lady Antebellum女主唱Hillary Scott和聲站台,同時收在金獎影后葛妮絲派特洛再展迷人歌喉及精湛演技的音樂電影「鄉謠情緣Country Strong」原聲帶,獲得鄉村榜Top18;重新詮釋全球2億5000萬唱片銷量「搖滾公雞」Rod Stewart的〈My Heart Can`t Tell You No〉,深情滿分觸動人心;抒情搖滾的〈Life Without Losing〉,帶著淡淡哀傷氣氛,歌詞卻正面鼓勵那些失去愛情的人,打起精神迎接每一天;曲末踩著輕快步伐演出〈Born To Fly〉,則是征服鄉村流行的勁歌優曲。
- Mar 20 Sun 2011 08:01
Sony Music 索尼音樂 莎拉伊凡斯 Sara Evans - Stronger堅定不移