Source: Sanspo
by HPrieston March 15, 2011
■義援金受付口座1:りそな銀行(銀行コード0010) ▽渋谷支店(店番473) ▽普通預金:2871105 ▽口座名:AKB48プロジェクト義援金(エーケービー48プロジェクトギエンキン)
■義援金受付口座2:三菱東京UFJ銀行(銀行コード0005) ▽五反田支店(店番537) ▽普通預金:0167382 ▽口座名:AKB48プロジェクト義援金(エーケービー48プロジェクトギエンキン)
Yesterday it was announced that AKB48 has set up two bank accounts in collaboration with the Japan Red Cross Society in order to give their fans an easy and secure way to donate money for the disaster relief efforts.
It was already known that the members of AKB48 and its sister groups have already contributed to the accounts, but the exact amount hasn’t been revealed until today. According to Sanspo, Akimoto Yasushi, all the members of AKB48, SKE48, NMB48, SDN48, as well as their management AKS and the staff of Akimoto’s office have donated a total of 500 million Yen ($6.2 million USD).
The girls commented that it was natural for them to contribute to the disaster relief, but at the same time they are trying to think of more ways to support all the people affected by the calamity. We can probably look forward to various more charity events from the idol groups.
You can find more details about the bank accounts in the Sanspo link below or at AKB48’s official blog here.
AKB48不停工 網友罵「日本之恥」
另外,隊中AKB48一姐大島優子原忙於為組合「Not Yet」首支單曲造勢,沒想到碰上地震,只好收起性感暫停宣傳,出生重災區的優子表示家人及身在仙台的親戚都平安無事。
- Mar 16 Wed 2011 07:12
nippon AKB48 が義援金口座開設 5億円を寄付 AKB48 donates $6.2 million USD for disaster relief