Source + Photo: Newsen
by asphodelon March 14, 2011
女生組合KARA決定將新單曲輯全部收入捐給日本地震災區。經紀公司表示,KARA將於23日在日本發佈第三張單曲輯《Jet Coaster Love》,計劃將唱片銷售收入全部捐給地震災區。日本唱片流通公司環球日本將負責把捐款轉達給可靠的救助機構。
In light of the recent tragedies in Japan, KARA will be donating all their income from their new single “Jet Coaster Love” towards disaster relief efforts.
A representative from DSP Media stated, “…for the victims of the earthquakes and tsunamis, all of the proceeds from KARA’s new single will be donated.”
They added,“The KARA members are very hurt for the Japanese people and fans who have showed them so much love. They’re constantly looking for updates on the internet and television… They were looking for a way to help victims, and decided on donating the money from their new single.”