另外,日本各大遊戲商也加入捐助賑災行列,其中任天堂捐出3 億日圓, SONY也捐3 億日圓,以及 3 萬台 Sony 收音機,而Namco Bandai Games捐 1 億日圓,Koei Tecmo Games 捐 1000 萬日圓。
p.s. 不知是巧合還是甚麼,去年IREM發表本月出售的PS3遊戲《絕體絕命都市4 -夏日回憶》,正好是以大地震後逃生為題材,由於情況敏感, IREM已宣佈無限期停止發售。
Source: Official Websites of Shonen Jump & Morning
by bazingaon March 14, 2011
We previously reported that “SLAM DUNK” author Inoue Takehiko has been tweeting smile drawings, and now, many other manga artists have followed suit by releasing artwork to cheer people up amidst the earthquake disaster.
Toriyama Akira drew two of his famous characters Goku (“Dragon Ball“) and Arare-chan (“Dr. Slump“) shouting the word “Ganbare!!“, which translates roughly to “Do your best!!“. He also wrote a message for earthquake victims next to the art: “To everyone affected in the disaster, it is really very difficult, but please don’t give up and do your best! – Toriyama Akira“.
Toriyama’s art was put up on Shueisha’s “Weekly Shonen Jump” website, and the editors of “Jump” also wrote a message for victims and families.
Kodansha’s weekly manga publication “Morning” put up drawings done by their authors as well, with most of them depicting characters shouting words of encouragement.
You can check out all of the touching artwork below!
- Mar 15 Tue 2011 20:34
nippon 鳥山明、いとうのいぢ、日本遊戲商為日本地震災民打氣 Encouraging artwork by Dragon Ball's Akira Toriyama and mangakas of “Morning” magazine