JYJ的KBS cool FM<劉希烈的電臺天國>申請提案遭到拒絕,引起了一陣熱議.

不久前,基本已經確定要播出的有線頻道QTV JYJ貼身跟拍節目突然傳出消息說,播出取消.當時就引起了JYJ粉絲的一陣抱怨,而相隔不久的現在,JYJ又一次被人氣電臺節目拒絕一事,更是為[JYJ被封殺說]添了一把火.

<電臺天國>的尹成賢PD在自己負責製作的電臺節目<深夜食堂>里播出了東方神起&JYJ特輯.在這個節目里,尹成賢 PD透露,“JYJ曾經想要出演<電臺天國>,但通了數次電話還是被告知因為播出指導方針還沒確實所以無法出演”.

對此,JYJ方面有關人員說,“JYJ現在非常希望上各種節目,如果有好的機會無論何時都想要上節目.但是之前海外活動頻繁,加上金俊秀的音樂劇日程也非 常滿,那期間沒能上一些節目,因為溝通不足,好像產生了一些誤會.如果和節目的風格,時間都合的話,JYJ非常願意出演”.

Source: Star News via Nate
by VITALSIGNon March 14, 2011

On March 12th, JYJ completed their first official fan meeting with 7,000 fans. It marked their first meeting in four months since their concert last November.

With gagman Kim Bum Yong as the MC, the 3-hour long fan meeting featured a total of seven performances, which included Empty,” “Be My Girl,” “Found You,” “Mission,” and “Nine.”

Junsu stated, “I worried a lot over whether I would be able to attend our fan meeting today, but I’m glad that we were able to hold it safely. The situation with the earthquake in Japan is severe.  We will be praying for the safety of our fans in Japan.”

Since the fan meeting was divided into two parts, the second half saw guest appearances from Shin Young Sook, Cool’s Kim Sung Soo, and Yoochun’s younger brother, Park Yoohwan.

Kim Sung Soo turned to praise Jaejoong by commenting, “I haven’t known Jaejoong for that long, but his soul is very pure.” Park Yoohwan continued the string of compliments by choosing Jaejoong when he was asked to name a member he’d like to resemble the most.

A special event was also held during the fan-meeting, in which 16 fan replies were chosen for a world cup competition; the members would narrow down their choice for the best message until they ended up with one. The fan reply that was ultimately chosen was, “I’m a fan that just believes and trusts.”

JYJ commented, “We’d like for our fans to always believe in us and wait.  We’ll be working hard in order to repay that trust.”

During their performance of “Found You,” balloons were strewn over the concert hall and later popped to sprinkle marshmallow candies over the fans in celebration of the ‘White Day’ holiday. As it was a touching moment, JYJ and their fans cried together.

CJES Entertainment concluded, “Because of everyone who worried and gave their support, Kim Junsu was able to return safely and keep his promise to his fans. We hope that this fan meeting will forever remain as an unforgettable ‘White Day.’”

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