Music Bank
is back once again with a fun and exciting show filled with amazing performances!
Besides the usual performance stages, Big Bang and K.Will made their comebacks, while G.NA began her follow-up promotions. Elsewhere, SS501’s Kim Hyung Jun began his solo promotions.
It was Big Bang up against Lee Hyun for the K-Chart tonight, and it was the former who clinched their 2nd consecutive win. And unlike last week, the boys were present to receive the trophy in person.
Congratulations to Big Bang!
Bigbang持續2周稱霸Music Bank 冠軍位,橫掃電視臺音樂節目
11日下午,KBS2TV< Music Bank >在首爾汝矣島KBS新館公開演播廳現場直播.Bigbang的< Tonight >力壓李賢的<我的東西中最好的>,登上第一的位子.
Bigbang發表獲獎感言說,"隔了好久才回來,又拿了第一.上周沒能來,謝謝大家這周把第一給了我們".Bigbang此次問鼎已經是連續兩周佔領< Music Bank >的冠軍位.3月4日第一次奪冠以來,Bigbnag似乎就一直是音樂節目的冠軍候選.
6日獲<人氣歌謠>第一,10日蟬聯M-net音樂節目< M Count Down >第一等,成績斐然.尤其,曾經有過不愉快的< Music Bank >和Bigbang此次冰釋前嫌再次合作,引起了很多關注.之前,因為演出曲目數的問題沒有協調好,< Music Bank >和Bigbang的經紀公司YG娛樂曾經有過意見差異,Bigbang也因此缺席了那一期的< Music Bank >.
接下來,Bigbang12日將出演MBC< Show!音樂中心>,這樣就完成了南韓3大電視臺音樂節目的全部亮相.
Fans blame KBS “Music Bank” for various issues against Big Bang
Source + Photo: Hankuk News
by Kingpoloon March 11, 2011
蟬聯音樂銀行冠軍 粉絲對「照明-舞台-操作分數」不滿爆發
BIGBANG在KBS 2TV '音樂銀行' 首演中掄冠。BIGBANG在上周沒有出演的情況下獲得1位引發了話題。當時音樂銀行與YG公司處於回歸舞台份量與情緒分歧的狀態下,藉著遙遙領先的音源銷售拿下1位展現了實力。
這天BIGBANG與對手懸殊的分數差距獲得了一位並蟬聯兩周的一位。COME BACK的同時在電視播放與有線節目中獲得了總5個一位,彰顯了實力。
實際上,按照11日國內唯一的公認的排行『gaonchart』的音源實時資料排名顯示,BIGBANG MINI 4輯『TONIGHT』在3月第二周(2月27日 - 3月5日)以3361133的記錄佔據一位。
FANS又指出強調公平性的音樂銀行對BIGBANG外的其他歌手的COME BACK,都允許演唱兩首或一首半的歌曲。並且針對連伴舞都無法同時出演的狹窄的舞台與看不清成員們臉的灰暗的照明燈提出了『最差的舞台』的批評。
FANS表現出了「BIGBANG是為了獲得這種待遇而出演音樂銀行的嗎」「以後如果音樂銀行提到『公正性』的話就會很可笑吧」「強調公平性的同時卻只讓BIGBANG唱一首歌,允許同天COME BACK的其他歌手演唱兩首,無視的處事方式」「以後BIGBANG不參演音樂銀行就好了」「不是偏好度分數、放送分數,而是偽造音樂分數真是沒救了」「要公開音源分數計算方式才行」等驚訝的反應。
On the March 11th episode of KBS 2TV’s “Music Bank“, Big Bang snagged first place on the K-Chart, as reported earlier today on allkpop.
Fans were relieved to see that both YG Entertainment and the producers of “Music Bank” came to an agreement to have Big Bang finally perform on the show, however after today’s performance, fans were furious with various issues from the show.
Fans flocked to the official forum for “Music Bank” to complain about a variety of issues that arose during the broadcast with the first being score manipulation. They stated that the scores that were announced were relatively lower than what the score was really supposed to be.
In order to back up their claim, they took the “Gaon Chart” ratings released on March 11th, for the week of February 27th to March 5th, to prove Big Bang’s real popularity. It stated, “‘Tonight’ has already acquired an accumulative number of 3,361,133 hits for both downloads and streams. The data collected came from 5 major music charts in Korea including Mnet, Bugs, MelOn, Dosirak, and Soribada.”
The second issue that was brought up deals with Music Bank’s lack of equality. While almost all singers, returning or rookie, receive a two-song comeback stage, Big Bang was only permitted with one.
Lastly, the lighting throughout Big Bang’s performance was too dark and poor to see both the dancers, and the Big Bang members.
Fans that responded to some of the complaints stated, “It was the worst stage ever.” They continued, “This is the treatment Big Bang receives for appearing on Music Bank. In the future, if Music Bank states they want a game of fairness, don’t take it too seriously.”
Others commented, “It was stated earlier that in order to be fair, Big Bang would have to come back with only one song, however the vast majority of singers receive 2 songs. I hope for Big Bang to never appear on Music Bank again. You broadcast your own scores, and not the actual numbers. You hide the calculating method, and that’s why I can’t trust your system.”