Label Umgd / Lost Highway
Release Date Mar 01, 2011

★聚集Don Was (The Rolling Stones、Bob Dylan) + Eric Liljestrand (Ringo Starr、Elvis Costello)等大師協力操盤★
★特別收錄為影集「嗜血真愛True Blood」創作、入圍2011葛萊美獎「最佳電視/電影主題曲」肯定的“Kiss Like Your Kiss”★

The Deluxe Editioncomes with a bonus disc called 'The Kitchen Tapes'. These are the demos Lucinda recorded of the songs that became Blessed right as they were born at her kitchen table, where she does most of her writing. To further enhance Lucinda's vision, The Deluxe Edition is available with 8 different album cover images randomly distributed through the manufacturing process. The one cover you get may not be the one you see here, but we're sure you'll agree it's an equally powerful image and another facet of this incredible album. -

01. Buttercup (3:50)
02. I Don’t Know How You’re Livin’ (5:00)
03. Copenhagen (4:31)
04. Born To Be Loved (4:38)
05. Seeing Black (5:14)
06. Soldier’s Song (6:09)
07. Blessed (5:49)
08. Sweet Love (3:33)
09. Ugly Truth (4:22)
10. Convince Me (5:46)
11. Awakening (6:25)
12. Kiss Like Your Kiss (3:51)

Kitchen Tapes[CD2]:
01. Buttercup (4:01)

02. I Don’t Know How You’re Livin’ (5:12)
03. Copenhagen (3:28)
04. Born To Be Loved (3:06)
05. Seeing Black (3:44)
06. Soldier’s Song (5:37)
07. Blessed (3:23)
08. Sweet Love (2:31)
09. Ugly Truth (4:08)
10. Convince Me (3:49)
11. Awakening (3:40)
12. Kiss Like Your Kiss (2:32)

Blessed is Lucinda Williams' tenth studio offering. The album was produced by Don Was with co-production from Eric Liljestrand and Tom Overby; the latter pair produced 2008's Little Honey. Like its predecessor, this one is full of guest appearances, including return cameos by Matthew Sweet, Elvis Costello (who plays a mean solo guitar on the set's fifth track "Seeing Black," written in memory of Vic Chesnutt) appears on a handful of songs, along with Rami Jaffee and Greg Leisz. The deluxe edition of the record -- both in physical (CD and LP) and digital forms -- carries a bonus disc entitled The Kitchen Tapes; the contents are the original raw demos Williams recorded while writing at her kitchen table.

Recording information: Capitol studios, Los Angeles, CA.

Photographer: James Minchin III.

Personnel: Lucinda Williams (vocals, acoustic guitar); Greg Leisz (electric guitar, 12-string guitar, pedal steel guitar); Val McCallum (electric guitar, slide guitar, National guitar); Rami Jaffee (accordion, piano); David Sutton (upright bass, electric bass); Butch Norton (drums, percussion).

Audio Mixer: Bob Clearmountain.

Spin (p.85) - "BLESSED feels more like a country-blues toast to the pissed-off side of interpersonal relations, set to coproducer Don Was' sturdy barroom roots rock."
Billboard (p.32) - "Williams works her way through country, soul and the hymnal ambience of the title track, handling a broad range of emotional breadth with surprisingly supple dexterity."
Uncut (magazine) (p.92) - 4 stars out of 5 -- "BLESSED is a powerful, vivid, highly emotive record. True happiness, it seems, suits her very well."

音樂風格毫不受限的Lucinda Williams,獲得葛萊美鄉村類、當代民謠類,還有「最佳搖滾女演唱人」獎項加冕!擁有女巴布狄倫美譽,受到文學詩人父親的影響,在詞彙創造上多了份文藝質感,道盡人生百態,登上時代雜誌優選「美國最佳作曲家」名單。

深獲搖滾老將Neil Young喜愛,指定擔任演唱會暖場嘉賓的Lucinda,12歲年紀就已著手創作,加入藍調氣息的融合,Lucinda開始游走各地展開演唱生涯。79年首張專輯『Rambling』問世,雖然沒有極亮眼的銷售佳績,卻也讓Lucinda獲得各界矚目。闖蕩樂壇超過30年,卻在她求精不求量的堅持下,僅推出過9張錄音室專輯,她對音樂近乎完美的執著,寧願選擇與唱片公司解除合約,也不願為了發片而發片,製作人與客席樂手也不斷撤換,勇於嘗試不同的歌路。每回的小品集,皆進入各大媒體的年度百大名單,樂壇重量級歌手皆義不容辭前來助陣。

醞釀近3年時間的【Blessed】,聚集Don Was (The Rolling Stones、Bob Dylan、Iggy Pop) + Eric Liljestrand (Ringo、Elvis Costello、Loretta Lynn)等大師協力操盤,黑白領域通吃的傳奇人物Bob Clearmountain(David Bowie、Kool & The Gang、Roxy Music)擔綱混音,進入搖滾名人殿堂的英國鬼才Elvis Costello和全方位跨界搖滾高手Matthew Sweet,各在3首歌中協力樂器演奏/合音,如此堅強的陣容是此張專輯的品質保證。開場的“Buttercup”,以民謠為主導,灌入動聽順暢旋律,Lucinda感染力極強的嗓音更是迷人焦點;瀰漫鄉野氣息的“I Don't Know How You're Livin'”,提供沉穩且纖細的音樂觸感;明亮的吉他刷弦“Seeing Black”,散發Lucinda最具個性的灑脫格調;Acoustic的“Soldier's Song”,探討關於戰爭的議題;詭譎陰鬱的“Awakening”,漂浮令人窒息的氛圍;曲末加贈“Kiss Like Your Kiss”,是替影集「嗜血真愛True Blood」撰寫的作品,入圍2011葛萊美「最佳電視/電影主題曲」獎項肯定。

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