Source: TV Daily via Nate
by VITALSIGNon March 10, 2011
“Vita 500” has released individual promo posters featuring SNSD’s Yoona, Tiffany, and Yuri!
Through their official Twitter on March 10th, “Vita 500″ wrote, “You’ve all waited for Yoona’s poster, right? Very elegant!”
Wearing simple attire and natural-looking makeup, the girls amazed netizens with their ability to turn even a drink ad into an elegant pictorial.
Netizens replied, “Where can we get these posters?,” “The representative beauty of innocence!”, “It’d be daebak if we could get the other members’ posters”, and “Just looking at it makes me feel revitalized with vitamins.”
Their official Twitter will be releasing the remaining posters soon, so stay tuned.
SM Entertainment to produce Korean drama adaptation of Japan's “Hana Kimi”
Source + Photos: OSEN via Daum
by VITALSIGNon March 9, 2011
SM娛樂翻拍《偷偷愛著你》 男女主角花落誰家引關注
以男校為背景而展開,聚集了一群青春帥男的《偷偷愛著你》在日本於1996年開始連載至2004年,深受廣大漫迷的喜愛,在南韓國內有發行過單行本 和特別版本,有非常廣大的粉絲基礎。而台灣和日本已經率先將該漫畫改編成電視劇,台版名為《花樣少年少女》[2006],創下了當年最高收視率,也進榜 10大收視熱劇;而日本名為《偷偷愛著你:美少年天堂》[2007],平均收視率高達17.04%,人氣火爆再次證明了原作漫畫的魅力。
SM娛樂涉足製作電視劇,主要是因韓流天王裴勇俊領導Key East,和作曲家兼歌手朴鎮榮掛帥的JYP經紀公司合製的電視劇「Dream High」創下高收視率,名利雙收所致。
SM Entertainment will be producing a drama based on the über-popular Japanese comic, “Hanazakari no Kimitachi e (Hana Kimi)”!
The comic gained widespread success, selling over 17 million copies alone. It had a Taiwanese drama adaptation which recorded the highest viewer ratings in 2006, while its Japanese drama garnered an average of 17.04% in viewer ratings.
Since its widespread popularity reached Korea as well, representatives of SM Entertainment revealed on March 10th that they signed a contract that gave them the publication rights for its drama production.
Using an all boys high school as its backdrop, the original comic ran from 1996 to 2004 and detailed the lives of a group of ‘pretty boys.’
Representatives revealed, “The Korean version will have a total of 16 episodes that draw out stories of hopes and dreams. It’s a teenage comedy with a cute, but strong storyline and a slew of handsome cast members. We’re planning to begin airing it this summer.”
SM Entertainment files a lawsuit in support of S.M The Ballad
Source: Star News via Nate
by chloejnon March 9, 2011
SM Entertainment has filed a lawsuit against the unfair judgment which deemed S.M The Ballad’s album as ‘inappropriate for youths’.
According to the Seoul Administrative Court, SM Entertainment filed a lawsuit against the Ministry of Gender, Equality, & Family, stating, ”We cannot accept the judgment which was made with imprecise standards.”
The Ministry of Gender, Equality, & Family deemed S.M The Ballad’s track, “Another Day“, as inappropriate for anyone under legal age due to the lyrics’ references to alcohol (“Drunk on alcohol so that I don’t miss you” and “If you fall asleep drunk, you dream“).
Yet representatives of SM Entertainment are claiming this judgment to be ridiculous. One particular representative expressed their opinion to Star News, saying “We don’t understand why they would flag it for inappropriate content based on references to alcohol. They didn’t consider the charm of the song as a whole. Judging by specific words impedes the writers’ freedom of expression.”
Last November, Super Junior’s Kyuhyun, SHINee’s Jonghyun, TRAX’s Jay and Jino worked together for a project group named ‘S.M The Ballad’. However, since the album was deemed as inappropriate for youths, fans under 19 years old was unable to purchase the album.