Source: Newsen via Nate
by Supermaron March 9, 2011
After School成員uee變身高爾夫美女。在娛樂節目和電視劇中都有上佳表現的uee,最近被某高爾夫品牌選做為新代言人。在公開的高爾夫廣告中,uee洋溢著青春少女的可愛氣息。亮麗搶眼 的T恤和短裙,強調uee的甜美氣質,而uee陽光般的笑臉也融化了周圍的氣氛。uee當天展示了絲毫不遜於專業模特兒的風範。另外,短裙與熱褲凸顯了她 玲瓏的曲線,令現場工作人員贊嘆不已。看到這組照片的網友表示:『高爾夫球衣也可以這麼可愛啊~』『搶眼的亮色和uee很配啊~』『實際上uee的高爾夫 球打的很好,好想看啊~』
另外,有著『蜜腿女孩』之稱的uee,被選作為SBS TV娛樂節目的固定嘉賓,而作為After School成員她正在積極準備新專輯中。
After School’s UEE transformed into a beautiful golfer, not for the now defunct MBC golf drama Birdie Buddy but instead for sports apparel brand ‘Le Coq Sportif‘ who chose UEE to be their new image model.
Because UEE is a member of a girl group, she was able to digest the lovely and girly image very well. Wearing their new golfer tees and colorful miniskirts, UEE showed off her beautiful legs and bright smile. The staff on set commented that the star brought a sunny atmosphere to the shoot.
It’s natural to wear miniskirts or shorts during a golf-wear pictorial, but the staff praised UEE highly for bringing the best out of their pieces.