Source: Newsen via Nate
by VITALSIGNon March 8, 2011



不斷有“今年的大勢是IU”的說法來形容IU最近的人氣.IU不只出演了人氣電視劇< Dream High >,憑藉乖巧的金必淑一角讓哥哥們見識了她的青春魅力,而且<好日子>,< Someday >等,IU每唱一首歌都能在歌謠界掀起一陣熱風.這次為K.will拍攝MV也是.此外,IU新近拍攝的一則電視廣告,引發了IU喜愛者們爆炸性的關注.在這首<善良的豆芽>廣告曲中,IU再次遊刃有餘地展示了招牌性的三段高音.


On March 9th, K-Will released the teaser for his highly-anticipated comeback MV, “My Heart Is Beating“, which features the acting talents of IU and MBLAQ’s Lee Joon.

The two came together as lovers for the music video, and in the teaser, fans caught a glimpse of the two wearing wedding attire. Judging by the teaser photos released earlier this week, we can definitely look forward to seeing more sides to their love story.

Check it out below!

K-Will’s full mini-album and music video will drop on March 10th.

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