JYJ's fanmade internet broadcasting station shuts down after four days
Source: Newsen via Nate
by VITALSIGNon March 8, 2011
由粉絲為JYJ打造的網絡電視台運營僅4日,就宣告關門。原定於3日開播的《ilovejyj.com》因打擊率過高導致無法播放,所以決定推遲一天播出。但是運營方卻在8日下午通告說『謝謝大家給予的高 度關心,很抱歉這次事件讓JYJ和他們的家庭,以及粉絲受牽累』。該網站的關閉是由於運營方內部出現矛盾所致。原因是運營方被指盜用他人報道,照片,短片 等,並向所屬經濟公司索要FAN MEETING的門票等,而成為受責難的對象。
The internet broadcasting station established by JYJ’s fans has shut down, four days after its launch.
The opening of ‘ilovejyj.com‘ brought in an influx of visitors that crashed its servers. The admins decided to push back its official launch to March 4th, but when fans flocked to view the new site, discord began running through all corners of the fanbase.
Fans discovered that pictures, videos, and other content were used without notice or permission. In addition, the admins had attempted to request fan meeting tickets from JYJ’s agency, which brought up complaints about how the admins were arrogantly dictating the direction of the station.
Further issues arose when the station released an interview of a female politician who was discovered to have had no relation or association to member Park Yoochun. Although admins announced an apology and clarification shortly after, fans continued to criticize the station once they found that the admins were “speaking low of member Kim Junsu” in the following broadcast, which eventually led fans to demand that the station be shut down.
On March 8th, the admins posted the following message:
“We would like to apologize for disturbing the fandom, and as of today, this internet broadcasting station will be closed. The staff members, who are currently working to close it down, are all worried about what negative effects this will have on JYJ. We felt that this short term broadcasting station caused bigger confusion every time our content or broadcasts were reported to the public.
Under the belief that no one would trust the remaining staff members anymore, we mutually decided to close the station.
We would like to express our genuine apologies towards JYJ and their families, their agents, and associates. Everyone watched over our intentions with positive views, and we are thankful and apologetic for the help and support we have been given.”
A representative of the station added, “Due to my carelessness, I have wounded JYJ, their families, and all of their associates who agreed to an interview with us. For that, I would like to bow my head in apology. Our internet broadcasting station will be closing because of my carelessness. For a hundred times over, I would like to apologize.”
JYJ's representatives speak out against “unfair treatment” from Avex & Oricon
Source: Star News via Nate
by VITALSIGNon March 8, 2011
JYJ的唱片被日本ORICON排行總計對像排除在外,FANS的不滿情緒大量湧現。最近日本的權威唱片銷售統計排網站ORICON排行榜方面表示"本月2日開始修售的JYJ的DVD『MEMORIES IN 2010 』和專輯『LIVE IN DOME LIVE CD』在排行榜上被排除在外"。
On the morning of March 9th, JYJ’s representatives released an official statement regarding JYJ’s DVD and album being excluded from Japan’s Oricon Charts.
Through Star News, they revealed, “It’s ridiculous for Avex to block JYJ from promoting in Japan, and yet still claim rights over the sales and profits of JYJ’s albums.”
They continued, “It’s extremely upsetting that such situations continue to harm not only Korean fans, but Japanese fans as well, who are doing nothing but patiently waiting for JYJ to return. The artists were not consulted at all by Avex over the albums’ release. We hope that this matter is rectified immediately.”
“It is unfair treatment,” they concluded.