さよならの代わりに / 願い
Catalog No. AICL-2241
Label/Distributor Sony Music Entertainment
Release Date 2011/03/23

「Request」「この夜を止めてよ」が超ロングヒットの中、2011年第一弾シングルをリリース! 数々の名曲を共作したJeff Miyaharaとのタッグによる、"泣けるアップチューン"と、映画『犬とあなたの物語 いぬのえいが』(出演: 松嶋菜々子・大森南朋・北乃きい 他)主題歌「願い」との両A面。そして、カップリングにはJUJU恒例のカヴァーを収録!! CD EXTRA仕様。

JUJUのドラマ主題歌は、テレビ朝日系「警視庁 失踪人捜査課」の「Trust In You」、フジ系「ギルティ 悪魔と契約した女」の「この夜を止めてよ」に続き3度目。小説を読み「自分を犠牲にしたとしても、相手にすべてを捧げるという『愛』の根本を教えて頂いた気がします。大切なことを学ぶ機会を与えて下さり、うれしく思います」と影響を受けたよう。主演の反町は「感情移入しやすいとても良い主題歌です」と喜んでいる。

Source: Sanspo
by bazingaon March 8, 201

We reported earlier that actor Sorimachi Takashi is starring in the upcoming drama, “Good Life ~Arigatou, Papa. Sayonara~“, which starts April 19th, and it was revealed on March 7th that the drama’s theme song will be sung by female singer-songwriter JUJU.

“Good Life” tells the story of a workaholic father who rediscovers the importance of family when his son is diagnosed with leukemia. JUJU received the offer for the theme song at the end of last year, and after reading the novel the drama is based on, wrote a ballad with the theme of “unconditional love”. The track is called “Mata Ashita…“, and is planned to be released as a single in June.

JUJU stated that the novel taught her the core of self-sacrificing love, and said she was “happy to get the opportunity to learn an important lesson.”

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