Source: Newsen via Nate
by ramham424on March 6, 2011

p>Lee Chun Hee and Jun Hye Jin recently unveiled their official wedding photos!
The actors will hold their wedding ceremony on March 11th at Seoul’s Sheraton Walkerhill.

For their wedding portraits, the two mixed vintage and contemporary concepts, and ended up with a truly unique style. The groom worked his model poses while the bride showed off her cuteness during the photoshoot. Though some of their photos were in black and white, their colorful personalities still managed to translate well into the shots.

The couple reflected, “We have participated in many photoshoots before, but we were very nervous throughout the whole shoot. We were able to finish happily, and it was really fun“.

A staff member from the shoot said, “The bride and groom created a bright atmosphere, so the shoot went really well. The two showed much kindness and warmth towards the staff, so everyone called them ’stars who truly deserve love’. There are not many stars who are praised for their kindness during the sensitive wedding-planning period“.

The two actors first met while filming for SBS’s “Smile, You” in 2009. Dodging the 9-year age difference, they fell deeply in love in the midst of filming for the drama, and announced their engagement and pregnancy last year. Jun Hye Jin is currently taking a break, while Lee Chun Hee is preparing for the wedding after wrapping up his role on MBC’s “Gloria“.
Check out their gorgeous shots below!

李天熙Jeon Hye-jin將奉子成婚
曾聯袂出演SBS電視劇《你笑了》的演員李天熙和Jeon Hye-jin經過1年多的熱戀,將于明年3月步入婚姻殿堂。

李天熙27日凌晨在自己的粉絲俱樂部貼文說:“李天熙和Jeon Hye-jin將結婚。我們會幸福生活,請祝福我們吧。”他還寫到:“拍戲時她對我來說僅僅是一個同事和演員。但拍完電視劇后,她在我的眼中不一樣了。”

李天熙Jeon Hye-jin向坦白自己的感情,兩人從今年4月開始正式交往。李天熙已向Jeon Hye-jin求婚。李天熙說:“不久前在一場音樂會上我求婚了。几天前与雙方父母正式見面,他們都很高興,所以感到更幸福。”

李天熙還曝光Jeon Hye-jin怀孕的事實,讓粉絲們大吃一惊。李天熙說:“我收到了一份讓我非常激動的禮物。Hye-jin已經怀孕8周。明年我就要成爸爸了。想想就激動,感覺就像飄在空中一樣。”

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