marselip 0308
MBC綜藝節目籌備的< Survival我是歌手 >節目終於揭開了神秘的面紗.這檔節目以最近南韓國內的有名歌手為出演對象,每個歌手和出演他們經紀人的搞笑藝人組成一組,對指定歌曲加以練習后站上舞臺一較高下.其中獲得最後一名的歌手將被淘汰,下一周則有新的歌手登場挑戰.由名歌手出演的此檔節目,在開播前就引起了大範圍的關注.
6日首播的'나는 가수다'<我是歌手>,彙集了李素拉,金建模,金範秀,朴正賢,白智英,尹道賢,鄭葉等南韓國內一線歌手.各個歌手都表示了對節目的期待和出演前的激動心情.尹道賢說“被淘汰的話影響形象”,金建模說“出演這個節目是對自己的一種刺激”...等等,每個人都帶著強烈的勝負欲,使節目的緊張氣氛非常濃郁.
這日的節目中,李素拉唱了第6張專輯收錄曲<風在吹>,鄭葉< Nothing Better >,白智英<像中槍一樣>,金建模則呈現了成名曲<無眠的夜晚下著雨>等,以非一般的歌唱實力,給觀眾帶去了一場華麗的試 聽盛宴.在場工作人員,聽眾,以及節目製作組都為這些歌手的實力感到驚訝,感動.由此,也給這檔節目帶來了可喜的收視成績.
據收視率調查機構資料顯示,6日播出的集合<我是歌手>和<新入社員>兩檔節目的MBC<星期天晚上>創下了 8.9%的收視率.雖然離<2天1夜>所屬的KBS< Happy Sunday >的21%收視率還有很長一段距離,但在自身來看,相比之前的4%已經翻了一倍有余.這足以讓觀眾期待<我的歌手>的日後表現.
觀眾評委評專業歌手 MBC新節目獲好評
第一期的參賽者有李素羅、Jeong Yeop、白智英、金健模、金范洙、朴正炫、尹道賢等,他們在節目中進行了大比拼。由于該節目是由普通听眾擔任評委參,所以在播出之前就受到了极大關注。但仍有不少觀眾對該節目投出半信半疑的目光。因為《星期天星期天晚上》(《我是歌手》的前身)在這几年經歷了不小的起伏,而且星期天的頭牌綜藝節目《兩天一夜》也將在同一天播出新成員嚴泰雄首次登場的節目。
觀眾紛紛表示:“在看《幸福星期天》時,下載看了《我是歌手》,下周一定要看《我是歌手》。看到朴正炫和李素羅演唱時,我哭了。她們讓我重新認識了老歌 手”、“在美好的周末听到這么美好的音樂,在歌手們的音樂中受到了很大感動。實際上這几年來在歌曲節目中并沒有過感動”等。不僅是觀眾,歌壇相關人士也對該節目給予好評和期待。
作曲家Kim Hyeong-seok也說:“本來以為《我是歌手》是選秀節目的垂死掙扎,但在看的過程中很受感動。是一檔很好的節目。我投他們一票。金子在哪里都會發光,我想制作組是抱著這种信念制作的。一瞬間就被迷上了,棒棒棒。”
觀眾們表示,正如節目播出前編導Kim Yeong-hui所說的那樣,与過去的娛樂節目全然不同的、令人惊喜的節目誕生了。取得良好開局的《我是歌手》能否每集都以新的內容吸引觀眾的關注、能否創收視率新高,我們將拭目以待。
專業歌手“生存”較量 白智英暫居中下游
MBC's“I Am A Singer” is an instant hit, attracts controversy with spoilers
Source: JoongAng via Nate, BNT News via Naver, Focus via Naver
by VITALSIGNon March 10, 2011
Earlier this week, MBC unleashed its newest singer survival program, “I Am A Singer“, which kicked off to an explosive start.
The program pits a total of seven big name singers (including Kim Gun Mo, Kim Bum Soo, Park Jung Hyun, Baek Ji Young, Yoon Do Hyun, Lee Sora, and Jung Yeob) against each other in a battle of vocal talent. For each episode, the singers are ranked according to a specific mission, and one singer is eliminated with votes from a 500-member audience.
The first episode surveyed the level of viewers’ interest each singer received based on performances of their own hit tracks. Park Jung Hyun came out on top with 22%, while Jung Yeob placed last.
Viewers were especially ecstatic with the way the program exhibited the artists’ true passion for music, leaving comments like, “It’s an amazing program, you can tell that the singers are all doing the best they possibly can. Truly an honor to watch the show,” and “Throughout the show, my ears had a blast listening to the talent, and my heart was racing with anticipation.”
Moments after the broadcast, the songs that were performed on the show began sweeping back into the music charts, with some tracks ranking at the top.
Unfortunately, because it was recorded in front of a live audience, the producers are struggling with spoilers leaking information about the missions and the eliminated. The controversy later developed into accusations about how the program was distorting results. One news agency alleged that singer ‘A’ was eliminated, but requested to re-record the episode because they questioned the standards of judgment.
Lee Jin Sook, MBC’s promotional director, spoke with Daily Sports on March 10th and explained, “I met with PD Kim Young Hee yesterday and discussed various things. We’re all surprised at the reports claiming that we fabricate the content of our program, but that is absolutely ridiculous. We would be putting everything MBC stands for at stake if it were true. We feel that this controversy only came about because of the explosive response ‘I am a Singer’ has been receiving since its first broadcast.”
PD Kim Young Hee added, “I feel that the controversy isn’t even worth commenting on. It’s preposterous.”
The second episode will officially begin missions with the risk of elimination, as each singer will be given a specific ‘mission song’ that they must perfect and perform in order to be judged by the audience.