Source: Ilgan Sports via Nate
by phenomon March 5, 2011

On March 4th, Hyomin tweeted, “Two years ago. The brave red heels stand out”, and uploaded a picture along with it.

She is seen wearing a blue jacket, but that’s not what people paid attention to.
With her shorts measuring about the width of one hand, Hyomin displayed her slim legs – attracting much attention from the public.

Netizens praised, “Your legs are so pretty. Really skinny”, “I see that you already took a picture in short shorts two years ago”, and “If it was me, I could never attempt that kind of daring fashion.”

T-ara孝敏,表情活靈活現變身漫畫主人公 “應對惡意回帖的姿勢”

T-ara的孝敏變身成為漫畫主人公。孝敏6日在自己的twitter裡和“4則漫畫….“應對惡意回帖的姿勢””的句子一起上傳了4張變身漫畫主人公的照片。孝敏公開的漫畫是為了傳達“1.發現惡意回帖者的孝敏 2.看了惡意回帖後.. 失望的表情很明顯 3.自己安慰自己 嗚嗚 4. 算了 不管了 一切都會好起來的”的意思而設計的引起爆笑的搞笑漫畫。

特別是漫畫裡孝敏細緻的眼神演技和表情演技更增加了漫畫的真實感。看了漫畫後,線民們展現了“漫畫設定的很棒”,“完全 同感”,“表情演技相當好”等各種各樣的反應。

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