Source + Photos: EDaily
by VITALSIGNon March 5, 2011
Cube娛樂公司於3月6日在首爾三星洞縣委中心活動大廳舉行第三屆“2011 Cube Stars Party”。除了Beast、4minute、G.NA等現有明星將出席外,還有發掘新人的活動。8支練習生隊伍將首次登上舞臺。表演採用分組對抗的方式,勝負結果則根據線上和線上的投票產生。在此次活動中獲勝的隊伍計畫將正式出道。
Cube Entertainment will be holding their “2011 CUBE STARS PARTY” on March 6th, and they’ve got a special series of performances lined up for their guests.
The “CUBE STARS PARTY” is an annual event, and 2011 will mark its third year. This year, it’ll be hosted at the Samsung-dong Event Hall, where guests will witness the very first performances from Cube’s carefully selected trainees.
Hoping to follow in the footsteps of B2ST, 4minute, and G.NA, a total of eight trainee teams will put on their best performances for the party. Performances will be divided into rounds, and the teams must compete against other; the winner of the competition will be determined by both online and offline votes. Stakes are high for the competitors, for the team who accumulates the most votes will be awarded the opportunity to debut as Cube’s next hottest star.
This is a special event that was implemented for the very first time this year, and the trainees had to undergo a strict training regimen in order to participate.
G.NA will be opening the event with a congratulatory performance for the trainees.
- Mar 07 Mon 2011 21:30
sk 旗下擁有B2ST, 4minute的큐브엔터테인먼트公司發掘新的南韓流明星“Cube Stars Party” 6日舉行 Cube Entertainment to reveal 8 trainee teams at “2011 CUBE STARS PARTY”