Source: Model Press
by HPrieston March 6, 2011

2PM和After School參加日本最大服裝秀
2PM和After School參加日本最高級別的服裝秀,獻上了精彩的歌舞表演。日本最大的時尚盛典“第12屆東京Girls collection 2011 SPRING/SUMMER”3月5日在東京國立代代木競技場第一體育館內隆重舉行,到場觀眾約達2萬3000人。2PM和After School登臺演出,引起了觀眾的熱烈歡呼。本屆時尚盛典以“Tokyo Romantic Fever”為主題,山田優、土屋安娜等著名模特展示2011年春夏最新流行風尚。本屆服裝秀還通過谷歌、Youtube網站進行了現場直播。

Korean “beastly idols” 2PM performed at the “12th Tokyo Girls Collection 2011 Spring/Summer“, the largest fashion festival in Japan, which was held at the Yoyogi National Gymnasium in Tokyo.
As reported the other day, the six members were excited to perform at the fashion show, and with 23,000 people in the audience, along with 720 journalists and even more viewers on their YouTube live channel, they sure had plenty of reasons to look forward for their stage.

The reception was great, which is no surprise when considering they were performing in front of a crowd full of thousands of excited girls, and their amazing performance could have converted any skeptic into a fangirl.

Member Nichkhun commented in perfect Japanese, “Being able to be here today and standing on this stage makes me really happy.”

Meanwhile, Taecyeon was taken aback by all the beautiful girls. “We heard that all the stylish girls from Japan gathered here at this event and it really seems to be true,” he laughed, “I’m quite nervous now.”

Nichkhun ended their little comment section and appealed to the audience, “After this, we are going to be more active in Japan and we hope that you will support us.”

The group performed a total of four songs: “Heartbeat”, “Again & Again”, “Without U”, and “I’ll Be Back”.


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