SBS's Inkigayo March 6, 2011

Kahi reveals her method to maintaining nice abs on “One Night of TV Entertainment”

Source: Newsen via Yahoo! Korea
by ektha16on March 4, 2011

在3月3日播出的“深夜TV演藝”中,播放了“身材終結者”明星們保持身材的秘訣。在以最高腹肌知名的明星中,最近展開solo活動的After School嘉熙入選。嘉熙說道:“比起腹肌,出乎意料地對腰部和臀部做了更多的運動。”傳授了“這樣做可以均衡地鍛煉腹肌”的方法。另外,在介紹嘉熙時,字幕組卻是用了佳仁的名字,這是非常大的錯誤和傷害,留下了遺憾。

After School’s Kahi recently revealed how she maintains her nice abs!

On March 3rd, SBS’s “One Night of TV Entertainment” looked into the star method of obtaining the ‘ultimate body’, and they used Kahi as an example of perfect abs.

During the interview portion of the feature, Kahi revealed her methods on having nice abs, “I work out focusing more on my waist and bottom rather than on my abs. By doing so, the abs will shape nicely.”

While introducing Kahi though, “One Night of TV Entertainment” made the mistake of putting the subtitle of “Ga Ininstead of “Kahi”, leaving fans disappointed over the identification error.

Who do you think has the best abs in the biz?

After School's Kahi talks about her ideal man and marriage

Source: Asia Economy via Naver

by VITALSIGNon March 4, 2011

After School的隊長嘉熙最近接受亞洲經濟新聞採訪時透露了自己的戀愛和結婚計畫。嘉熙表示:“目前還沒有交往的人,希望能遇到尊重女性的人。”接著,關於平時理想型的問題,她說道:“能夠給我一個溫暖擁抱並且穩重的人就好。另外,對自己所做的工作自信並從中享受快樂的人也很好。”


In a recent interview with Asia Economy, After School’s Kahi revealed the traits of her ideal man, as well as the age she hopes to get married by.

She began, “Im not dating anyone at the moment, but I’d like to meet someone who knows how to respect women.”

When asked about her ideal type, she replied, “Someone who can warmly hold me in their arms, and is also dependable. I’d like for that person to always be confident with their work and genuinely enjoy it.”

On her marriage plans, she revealed, “I don’t have immediate plans, but I’m thinking I should get married within the next four to five years. I’ll be 36 or 37 then, so I should be married by then.”

嘉熙-Ye Ara性感有餘實力不足 G.NA-Navi略勝一籌

不少偶像團體出身的女歌手都選擇個人發展,不過她們的歌唱實力仍然是一大詬病。2月25日歌手Ye Ara以《Americano 喝吧,美式咖啡》正式出道,華麗的舞台服裝和性感的舞蹈卻依然未能掩蓋住歌唱水平上的硬傷。一出道就被質疑不能不說Ye Ara的首個舞台對她來說的屈辱和,而一連3天的電視節目都未能幫她掙得半點加分,雖說新人出道多少有些緊張,但過於依賴機械音效果的她還是讓人懷疑她作 為歌手的資質。

不僅是Ye Ara就連嘉熙也存在著同樣的問題。以《回來吧,壞人個人發展的嘉熙憑借性感十足的舞台吸引了大眾的目光,卻也只能停留在這個水平上,雖然成績還算過關, 但仍是舞蹈風頭蓋過現場演唱實力。缺陷就在於情感的過度投入和過於依賴舞蹈,明顯的機械音未能烘託出嘉熙原有的音色。為什麼在她作為After School一員時未能發現如此狀況?追根到底還是因為整首個並不是她一個人在詮釋。歌手雖然不能忽視舞台效果,但若讓人懷疑其演唱實力,身為歌手也應該 好好檢討一下。

歌手的實力雖因聽眾而異,不過利用機械音掩蓋自身音色的不足卻是對聽眾和粉絲的大不敬,如果真想呈現華麗的舞台效果,那不如依賴那些專業伴舞。也有些不以性感為噱頭的歌手,近日橫掃各大電視音樂節目的G.NA就是其中一個,當然不可否認現場有些音色不準,但她卻沒有刻意遮蓋,算得上是一位 歌舞並重的歌手,因為付出過努力才能收獲成功。雖然大眾認為歌曲稍顯薄弱嗓音略顯生澀卻沒有一個人說她實力不足,在一定程度上肯定了她作為歌手的資質。

近日憑借《好事》一曲被贊實力雄厚的Navi未用任何性感手段,僅以演唱水平獲勝,雖因過多的行程而音色受損但仍為觀眾帶來令人吃驚的現場演唱。沒 有過多的裸露,Navi卻緊抓觀眾的視線,備受大眾喜愛,這就是有實力者的勝利。在現代偶像團體橫流的歌壇,Navi甚至獲得了「演唱力終結者」的稱號, 無一不證明了她在歌壇的地位。雖不能一一比較G.NA和Navi,以及Ye Ara和嘉熙,但她們都有著各自與眾不同的優點,身為歌手卻一直被實力問題困擾也不是一件值得驕傲的事情。LADY GAGA和Beyonce起任何女歌手都要性感和裸露,卻沒有一個人指責過她們的歌唱實力。作為歌手要做的事情難道不是取悅聽眾的耳朵?

After School's Lizzy shares photos from Japan’s “Tokyo Girls Collection” show

Source: Newsen via Joins
by VITALSIGNon March 6, 2011

After School recently walked the runway for Japan’s semi-annual fashion show, the “Tokyo Girls Collection“, and member Lizzy shared photos of her experience.

On March 6th, she tweeted, “I just came back from the ‘Tokyo Girls Collection’! It was a great experience.”

With her white outfit, smoky eye makeup, and darker hair, Lizzy amazed fans by unveiling an elegant side to her image that they haven’t really seen before.
Netizens commented, “Getting prettier day by day“, “A fairy-like charm“, and “I love her more!”

After School's Yiyoung charms Japanese fans with her fresh style

Source: Economic Daily Star via Nate
by VITALSIGNon March 3, 2011

After School’s newest addition, Yiyoung, will be starting her official promotions with the group through their Japanese debut.

Ever since she made her appearance through the MV for Namie Amuro’s “Make It Happen“, Japanese fans have been showing their interest in her modern, yet sexy appeal.

One Japanese representative who was present at the music video shoot commented, “She looked young, but you could also feel that she was very feminine. Visually, she has a fresh charm that makes me look forward to seeing how After School develops.”

Yiyoung will kick off her formal debut by performing with After School at the “Tokyo Girls Collection” congratulatory stage on March 5th.

After School's Yiyoung impresses netizens with guitar skills again

Source: SPN via Nate
by VITALSIGNon March 3, 2011

After School’s newest member, Yiyoung, has been headlining ever since a video of her playing the electric guitar was shared on an internet community site on March 3rd.

The post of the past video has received a tremendous amount of views and praises, and netizens exclaimed that they couldn’t get over how talented she was.

Further information showed that not only was she talented in the guitar, but that she had actually won a geumsang at a piano contest in 2002, a dance award at a teenage dance festival in 2004, a daesang at a teenage gayo festival in 2005, and first place in music composition in the same year.

Netizens commented, “She’s amazing. To be that good requires a lot of patience, time, and practice.”

'애프터스쿨' 나나 After School成員Nana過去照片引發非議 媒體將現實歪曲報導.

After School成員Nana的舊日照片在網上流傳數日,在網民之間引發了熱議。照片中,身為高中生的Nana化著濃妝,站在啤酒屋前。從照片中可以得知兩個問題:一是身為學生的她化了妝;二是她在啤酒屋裡拍攝了照片,而且面前放著酒。

網民的議論逐漸走向了奇怪的方向。大部分的報導都在引導大家產生對Nana的偏見,Nana在學校慶典的最前列拍手,但一部分報導把焦點放在了她沒 穿校服,穿了運動服與拖鞋。照片中,只有Nana與她的朋友穿著運動服,不過其他人也都沒有穿校服。引發問題的照片中也不能清晰地看到Nana有沒有化 妝,Nana僅是在拍手而已。媒體的報導對於Nana與朋友在胡同裡照的照片的描寫也有著一定的暴力性,大部分的媒體對於這一場景的描寫顯得不太正常。當然,Nana身為未成年 者出現在啤酒屋一事確實不對,不過大家都因此持有一種偏見,認為Nana曾經混過一段時間。

網民從有限的照片中推測出這麼多種說法,而且說法越來越多,越 來越歪曲,他們冷酷地看待照片的視線令人感到了負擔。這些說法來自於對Nana的非正常報導,報導中把對Nana的推測與偏見寫成了現實。Nana因為這三張照片被人看成了奇怪的人,已經引發了非議,她的過去也被人議論得十分不堪,真的令人心寒。


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