Source: GirlsDayJapan
by Kingpoloon March 4, 2011
On March 3rd, a behind-the-scenes clip of Girl’s Day at their music video shoot was uploaded onto YouTube, and the girls revealed some new information about their upcoming activities.
They announced, “Everyday! Girl’s Day! Hello, we’re Girl’s Day! As you can see, we’re shooting our music video. What could it be about? We’re very excited to reveal it to our fans, and that time is coming soon. Just wait a little bit longer, right now it’s a secret! This has been Girl’s Day, goodbye~ (Kawaii!)”
Their schedule is as follows:
March 15th – MV teaser released
March 16th – MV released
March 17th – MP3 release, Mnet to officially announce the song (Japanese included)
Are you ready for the return of Girl’s Day?
Girl's Day新造型亮相
Girl’s Day最近參與活動時以新造型亮相,雖然還沒有具體的消息,但是也預示著她們距回歸的日子不遠了。其中Yura和李惠利的髮型變化明顯,特別是Yura換成了一頭金髮。另外,敏雅在twitter上也說道:“MV拍攝中…不知道為什麼心情很好^___^想快點站在舞臺上…!”預告了回歸。