Source: TV Daily via Nate
by chloejnon March 5, 2011

T-ara恩靜-金秀賢星光閃耀 超高人氣凝聚超多粉絲
演員金秀賢和T-ara恩靜一同參加了『同spris一起的夢想計劃』。金秀賢因出演電視劇《Dream High》而一砲走紅。而他從之前的《聖誕節會下雪嗎?》開始,到《爸爸的家》《GIANT》再到最後的《Dream High》,他越發成熟出眾的演技給大眾留下深刻的印象,當然這其中也包括時尚品牌的相關人士。spris的TV廣告的MUSIC電視劇中金秀賢和T- ara的恩靜一起,展示他們出眾的歌唱實力和舞蹈才華,一度引發大眾矚目。

The streets of Myungdong have been blocked off due to Kim Soo Hyun and T-ara’s Eunjung.

On March 5th, actor Kim Soo Hyun and T-ara’s Eunjung attended SprisDream Project event in Myungdong, Seoul, and as soon as the two arrived in Myungdong, the streets became packed to the point where people were not able to get around like usual.

Both Kim Soo Hyun and Eunjung starred in the ever-so-popular ‘Dream High‘, and in the drama, Kim Soo Hyun played the role of Song Sam Dong and Eunjung played the role of Baekhee. Both received much love from the viewers for their acting, and thanks to the drama, the two have received much interest from fashion brands and could be considered to be the blue chip of the commercial industry.

They have received much interest for their Spris music drama CF where they displayed their singing and dancing skills as well.

含恩靜對[缺名]大方表示沒關係…< Dream High >未公開影像+明星攝影機~

< Dream High >特別演唱會結束后,眼尖的網友在播出最後的字幕中發現出演名單里單單少了含恩靜的名字,因此在網上引起了一陣騷動.含恩靜的粉絲們也紛紛替她叫屈.還有人氣憤地說,“含恩靜莫非是幽靈???!!!”

T-ara成員含恩靜3日在自己的Twiter上對此事道出了自己的心聲.她說,“< Dream High >Ending字幕有鬼,幽靈說?哈哈,真有趣”.“就是啊,爲什麽我的名字沒在上面呢?不過,< Dream High >裏面有我這件事情不是大家都知道么.沒關係啦!下次我在身上別著名字牌去”.網友們减了含恩靜的留言,紛紛稱讚她泰然處之的態度.

另一方面, < Dream High >一些未公開的影像資料和明星攝影機將通過KT olleh TV公開.KT olleh market上正在對外開放< Dream High Special II>系列資源.里面包含了主演6人的明星攝影機每人各20分鐘的內容.加上< Dream High >特別演唱會的實況錄像90分鐘,一共7篇影像.

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