by GhostWriteron February 28, 2011

The ladies of SNSD have recently inked an endorsement deal with energy drink brand Vita500 and a behind the scenes video along with the CF (Commercial Film) for the company has been released.
In the past, Vita500 used the Wonder Girls and After School’s UEE to endorse their drink.

The lovely ladies are endorsing a 10th SNSD special edition of the drink and they’re looking very lovely in the video as they play around with apples, check out the video below.

SNSD reveals ‘Dior Snow’ CFs

by maestro-Jon February 27, 2011
Last week, six of the nine members of SNSD revealed their ‘Dior Snowcosmetics advertisements that garnered a lot of attention due to their beautiful looks.

Recently, CFs for their endorsement were revealed. The first version of the CF is just a 50-seconds long clip showing all the members talking about the cosmetic.

For the second version, it includes the original CF along with individual CFs where each member promotes a product from Dior.

Check it out below!
CF (Short Ver.)

CF (Long Ver.)

SNSD to model water purifiers for “Woongjin Coway”

Source: Star News via Naver
by VITALSIGNon February 27, 2011

On February 27th, Woongjin Coway revealed that they selected SNSD as their exclusive models and recently contracted with the group for their water purifiers. Their contract will begin on March 1st and last through the year, while TV advertisements will begin running in mid-March.

With the water purification market expanding, Woongjin Coway believed that SNSD would be the perfect model in expanding the consumer base of their company, especially since the group is much loved by all age groups.

One representative stated, “In the past, our models included Kim Jung Eun, Song Hye Gyo, Lee Young Ae, and others. With the market expanding, we decided that SNSD would be a good fit since they’re popular with a variety of age groups.”

They continued, “Since Woongjin is #1 in the industry, our promotion plan is one that can only be done by a company of such stature. By creatively using the unique charms of each of the nine members, we’ll be releasing advertisements that show how our water purifiers are set apart from the rest.”


擁有9名成員的女子組合少女時代最近登上南韓名人榜榜首。在過去的兩年蟬聯冠軍的“花滑女王”金妍兒下降到第三位。足球明星朴知晟超過金妍兒上升到第二 位,成為代表南韓的體育明星。這是富比世南韓時逢創刊8周年進行“南韓40位名人權力榜”調查的結果。所謂名人,就是廣為大眾所熟知的公眾人物。福布斯韓 國每年都會選出南韓國內收入最高或是最有影響力的40位名人進行公布。評選標準則是參照美國福布斯每年公布的“百名名人”的調查方法。

今年位於榜首的少女時代主要是因為她們在收入、熒屏亮相程度、互聯網檢索熱度、媒體曝光率等主要的名人評審標準中都位於前三位。本行是歌手的她們,唱片銷售 量傲視群雄。據唱片銷售量調查網站Hanteo排行榜顯示,少女時代在去年的國內唱片銷售量為27萬逾張,位居全國首位。專輯裏的歌曲去年在網上的下載次 數達1173萬次。在廣告拍攝方面也是倍受青睞。據電視廣告門戶網站顯示,去年少女時代拍攝的電視廣告達25部。通過這些可以估測僅在韓國國內的銷售額就 達100億韓元以上。


連續兩年蟬聯冠軍的金妍兒這次落到了第三位。雖然在收入和媒體部分獲得了高分,但是參加的活動相對較少。在溫哥華冬奧會結束,與教練奧澤(Orser)決裂 後,金妍兒儘可能地少參加一些公眾活動。把歌手、演員、主持人完美地融於一身的萬能藝人李勝基排名第四。他主演的電視劇《我的女友是九尾狐》平均收視率超 過了20%,他參與主持的《兩天一夜》和《強心臟》等綜藝節目也很受歡迎。特別是他還在去年拍攝了30部廣告,位於首位。排名第五位的是朴振英挖掘的男子 代表偶像團體2PM。2PM在互聯網的檢索排名第一,去年拍攝的廣告也達19部。最近,組合成員在綜藝和電視劇等方面也表現活躍。

排名第六的是國內三大電視台的主力綜藝節目主持人劉在錫。第七位是與朴知晟一樣在英超效力的李菁龍。他不但在南非世界杯上讓韓國挺進16強,在英超裏也有突出的 表現(4個進球6個助攻),他的年薪已達30億韓元。排在第八的是男子四人組偶像團體2AM。2AM發的迷你專輯《死也不能放開你》在去年的唱片下載部分位居第一。排名第九的是效力於美國職棒大聯盟的克利夫蘭印第安人隊的主力右外場手秋信守。在廣州亞運會上獲得棒球冠軍的他在美國職棒大聯盟裏表現活躍,他 的年薪從5億韓元一下子上升到了44億韓元。排名的十的是與劉在錫並稱為拉動南韓綜藝界的雙頭馬車的姜鎬童。

今年的40名人名單上歌手和 體育選手非常引人注目。歌手的電子音源收入上升,並在各種廣告中嶄露頭角。至於體育選手們,“海外派”的選手表現更為出色。世界杯、奧運會、亞運會等重量 級的世界性運動會也成了他們施展的良好平台。相反,河正宇(音)、薛景求、朴重勳等電影明星的排名大幅度下降。據分析是因為沒有像2009年的《海雲台》 那樣吸引了1000萬觀眾的大作的緣故。還好出演了《義兄弟》(票房542萬)和《田禹治》(票房361萬)的姜東元和主演《大叔》(票房618萬)的元 斌等榜上有名,為電影人挽回了一點面子。

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