J.Y. Park delivers a touching thank-you note for ‘Dream High’ fans and colleagues

Source: Star News via Nate
by ramham424on February 27, 2011

J.Y. Park revealed his thoughts about his acting debut through KBS2TV’s “Dream High“.
On February 28th, the multi-entertainmer wrote on JYP Entertainment’s official homepage, “Hello, this is ‘Yang Jin Man‘. We finally finished filming ‘Dream High’. I had to cry comically for a scene but because I was thinking that this was the end, I cried very hard, though I didn’t put in artificial tears“.

He added, “Bae Yong Joon, who I co-produced this drama with, asked, ‘Are you happy? Sad?’ and I said, ‘I’m thankful. I’m thankful towards everyone’. I’m very thankful to my friend Yong Joon for liking my idea and developing it when it was just an insignificant idea of mine“.

J.Y. Park also thanked the production and film crews, as well as his fellow actors IU, Eunjung, Kim Soo Hyun, Um Ki Joon, and many others.

Turning towards his agency, J.Y. Park said, “I’m also thankful towards my kids Taecyeon, Wooyoung, Suzy, Joo, and the JYP family“.

He also added, “I’d also like to give my thanks to the viewers, who loved and stuck with ‘Dream High’ until the end, even though it lacked so many things. I learned so much by making my first drama. I’ll do my best to make my second drama a better work. Until then, all of you should ‘dream high’ to achieve your goals. Now we’ll start the last episode in a little while“.

He displayed affection for his character until the very end, closing his letter with “From Yang Jin Man“.
“Dream High” is set to air its last episode on February 28th at 9:55PM KST. Be sure to tune in!

J.Y. Park grades his “Dream High” acting debut

Source: Seoul NTN via Nate
by phenomon February 27, 2011

Singer, producer, and now certified actor J.Y. Park gave himself a ‘B-’ for his acting performance in the popular teenage drama, “Dream High“.

During the February 26th broadcast of KBS 2TV’s “Entertainment Weekly“, an interviewer asked the multi-star, “If you were to give a grade for your acting…?” J.Y. Park replied, “I’d give it a B-.”

J.Y. Park is playing the role of ‘Yang Jin Man’, an English teacher at Girin Arts High School. During the interview, he confessed that “It feels like 2 months have passed within the blink of an eye”, showing his regret about how the drama was reaching its end.

You can catch J.Y. Park’s final performance as ‘Yang Jin Man’ on Monday, February 28th.

T-ara's Eunjung reveals more spoiler photos for the final ‘Dream High’ episode

Source: TV Report via Nate
by chloejnon February 27, 2011

T-ara恩靜劇透《Dream High》結局,令人“鬱悶”

T-ara恩靜透露了KBS2電視台《Dream High》的劇情,吸引了人們的關注。2月27日下午,恩靜在自己的Twitter微博上寫道“楊鎮滿(音)老師開了中式餐廳,麒麟藝校3人幫大變身,這便是我們的結局”,並上傳了拍攝現場的照片。照片中朴振英穿著中式餐廳主廚的服裝,還拎著一個鐵箱子,張佑榮則穿著警察的製服。此外,金秀賢和玉澤演分別穿著正裝,並帶著黑框眼鏡。僅從服飾便能推測出他們在電視劇中的結局。但是,在關注普遍關注他們能否在劇中成為巨星的時候,這樣的劇透不免令人指責欠缺考慮。

網友們紛紛表示“演員劇透電視劇結尾,這像話嗎”等,反映強烈。另一方面,《Dream High》的大結局將在2月28日播出。3月1日將播出“Dream High 特別演唱會”。

Following J.Y. Park’s spoiler photo, T-ara’s Eunjung has revealed additional spoilers for ‘Dream High‘’s final episode.

On February 27th, Eunjung tweeted,

2AM, who have transformed into firemen, and sexy business woman Fei-unni
The beginning of the flash mob series. Teacher Yang Jin Man who has set up a Chinese restaurant is the best!

Her photos show her with the 2AM firemen, miss A’s Fei and even with her “teacher” J.Y. Park. J.Y. Park’s previous photo had sparked much curiousity, and Eunjung’s photos took it to another level. She later also uploaded selcas with her fellow Dream High castmates.

Fans commented, “What in the world is going to happen in the final episode?“I’m so curious as to what has happened” “It’s a massive appearance of singers!

Dal Shabet to cameo in final episode of “Dream High”

Source + Photos: MyDaily via Naver
by VITALSIGNon February 27, 2011

Rookie girl group Dal Shabet will be making a surprise cameo appearance in the final episode of KBS’s “Dream High“!

They’ll be playing the role of Girin Arts High School students who support ‘Baek Hee’, and they’ve already finished recording their segment on February 27th at a set in Kyungki-do.

Afterwards, Jiyul commented, “It was an honor to be able to appear in such a popular drama. Since it’s a first drama appearance for all the members, we were kind of nervous but the staff members were so helpful, which made it a lot of fun.”

Check out the final episode on February 28th at 9:25 PM KST.

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