24日凌晨,Bigbang推出了新迷你專輯,瞬間就掃蕩了MELON,CYWORLD,MNET等大音樂網站排行榜.主打歌 Tonight 問鼎排行榜第一位,此外另外5首收錄曲也順次佔領第2到第5的位子.
所屬公司YG娛樂稱:在YG部落格上公開 Tonight 後,點擊率超過了平時的30倍以上,還一時造成了網路服務系統癱瘓.主打歌曲 Tonight 以電子音為基礎,加上了吉他混音,增加了歌曲的感性氣息,描繪了一顆去尋找愛人的心.其他歌曲 What is Right 和 Café 中的搖滾樂聲令人印象深刻。Hands Up 和 Somebody to Love 則是 Bigbang 在日本發行過的兩首歌,這次重新進行了錄音,也收錄在專輯裡.
2月25日~27日,Bigbang 在首爾奧林匹克公園體操競技場舉行 2011 BIG SHOW 以此作為回歸的宣告慶典.之後也會出演 SBS 節目 The Bigbang Show 和有線頻道 MNET 的回歸特輯節目.另外,5月份,9萬人規模的日本公演也在企劃中.
SBS airs ‘The Big Bang Show’ for Big Bang’s comeback!
by Casperon February 27, 2011
Having announced an hour-long special for Big Bang’s comeback earlier, fans have been waiting patiently for the broadcast, and the moment has finally arrived!
YG has always done things differently, and for Big Bang’s grand comeback after a long hiatus, they have arranged for Big Bang to make their comeback through their concert, ‘Big Show 2011‘, this past weekend. But for those who couldn’t make it to the concert (or as a bonus for those who went), the SBS hour-long special, titled ‘The Big Bang Show‘, will do just as well to satisfy VIPs all over the world.
From their old hits such as “Lie” and “Sunset Glow“, to their latest songs from their mini-album, “Tonight”, as well as their ‘Tonight’ music video, Big Bang have certainly brought out everything to reward fans for their patience. In addition, fans can also learn about the behind-the-scenes story of their grand comeback, and as a bonus, Big Bang also did a parody of the popular drama, “Secret Garden“.
It’s quite a line-up for a one-hour special, so check it out below now!
BigBang時隔2年零3個月發行了新專輯,又於25日在首爾奧林匹克公園體操競技場舉行了演唱會“BIG SHOW”。BigBang以新歌《Hands Up》拉開了演唱會的帷幕,如同期間付出的所有努力一樣,他們在演唱會的舞台上揮灑汗水,將一首一首精彩的歌曲奉獻給觀眾。