
by Kankion February 25, 2011

Many have been anticipating the full audio of KARA’s newest track for a while, and a radio rip of KARA’s brand new single, “Jet Coaster Love“, has just recently been released.

KARA will be releasing this single on March 23rd, which is still quite a ways down the road, but you can check out the radio rip below!

TV Tokyo president assures “URAKARA” to continue filming as scheduled

Source: Sanspo
by Kankion February 25, 2011

Girl group KARA has been making headlines with their public dispute against their Korean agency, DSP Media. Anxious over group tensions, fans are growing increasingly concerned about how the girls may not be able to complete their activities together; this includes filming for their on-going drama, “URAKARA“.

Luckily, their fears about “URAKARA” have been assuaged, as TV Tokyo’s president Shimada Masayuki (66) assured viewers that the drama will continue to film. On February 24th, the president brought up the issue during his regular interview with TV Tokyo and expressed, “They will be shooting the drama as scheduled. We can breathe a sigh of relief”.

KARA will be shooting in Japan until this weekend, and then they will return to Korea temporarily. The girls are scheduled to return to Japan again sometime during the first 10 days of March to continue shooting the drama.

Part1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GbqL-iGE3I
Part2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ex7yrEROK7I
Part3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FfLSFthWhs

KARA日本抗衡AKB48締造百萬銷量神話 成南韓流首席天團 “ 宣誓,我們一心同體,永不分離”

根據最近日本唱片協會發表的資料,KARA去年8月發表的第一張單曲「Mr.」在著信音部門以及來電鈴聲部門分別獲得了雙白金(下載50萬 次)的榮譽。僅這2個部分合計就突破了100萬次。日本活得此項記錄的是日本最高女偶像組合AKB48的出道曲「ヘビーローテーション」。KARA是初個 進入日本的南韓女子組合中獲此獎項的韓國歌手。去年11月發售的第二張單曲「Jumpin’」也在著信音部分中取得了白金(25萬次)的好成績,日本國內 KARA人氣旺盛,奠基起日本首席韓流天團地位。

KARA日本神話記錄還有在11月末發售的第一張正規專輯「Girl's Talk」在發售日以售出12,084張囊獲ORICON主要榜單第8位,專輯發售13周連續保持在TOP10之列。「Girl’s Talk」目前已經售出34萬張(ORICON CHART基準),位列日本女性偶像團體AKB48之後,居銷售量第二。此外,kara人氣成員荷拉推特頭像終更新,“宣誓,我們一心同體,永不分離”引起粉絲共鳴。迎來強烈火爆支援和聲援。

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