Source: Sports Chosun via Nate
by ramham424on February 25, 2011

As previously hinted, ‘bagel girl’ Shin Se Kyung revealed her sexy side for ‘Vivien‘.

Shin Se Kyung worked her glamorous body for the lingerie brand’s spring/summer TV commercial, which began airing on February 21st.

In the CF, models representing ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, and ‘D cup’ sizes appear, which is when the ‘cup’ Shin Se Kyung is holding suddenly breaks into pieces. The slogan ‘The more important thing than cup is volume!” then emerges, with Shin Se Kyung enjoying the ‘beautiful’ volume created by her ‘Vivien’ bra.

A representative for ‘Vivien’ stated, “Shin Se Kyung’s voluminous body matched our concept very well. She was able to express the charms of both an innocent girl and a seductive lady“.

Because of the photoshoot that was released earlier, Shin Se Kyung has been in the spotlight for showcasing her inner femme fatale and romantic princess. She showed off her ‘cleavage look’ in a girly pink bra, and worked her fierce vixen-like look in a deep red dress.

‘Vivien’ is planning to reveal more of her lovely charms in print and store ads. A ‘volume event’ is also going to be held, aiming to provide advice for women seeking to work her ‘volume’ effectively.

Check out the CF and the making-of video below.


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