Angel at Kpopn

IU因為在"Dream High特別演唱會"中遲到50多分鐘、並且沒有道歉直接登上舞台的事情在網上成為了討論的焦點。有人在網上透露2月24日晚因為IU的遲到導致演出時間推遲,部分粉絲因為時間太晚沒有看完全場演唱會就不得不回家。

本次在"高陽美麗世界劇場"舉行的"Dream High演唱會",最早曾計劃於2月24日晚7時30分開始,但是後來變更為8時30分,實際演出時間卻是9時30分,比第一次的通知推遲了2個小時。這一消息傳開後,沒有道歉的IU以及演唱會的相關單位成為了人們指責的對象。


有一部分人也表示這是因為IU排得滿滿的日程,24日IU在M!Countdown之後還參加了在龍山舉行的活動。音樂節目的直播再到龍山和高陽這樣奔波,日程時間上難免會有衝突。隨後,Dream High演唱會的宣傳公司表示網上的報導有所誇大,IU確實遲到了,但是並不是一兩個小時,而只有20分鐘。

他們表示:演出幾天前發表了公告通知時間變更為8點半。當天8時30分至9時為止是笑星金英熙(音譯)的表演,因此通知其他歌手們晚上9點到達現場。實際演出時間是9點20開始的,所以只遲到了20分鐘。另外,他們還表示:演唱會從7時30分推遲一個小時的原因不是因為IU個人日程的衝突,而是因為Dream High電視劇的拍攝。IU上午也認真參與了Dream High演唱會的彩排,因此網路上的情況說得過於誇張了。

Source: Medical News Today via Nate, Asia Economy via Daum, Newsen via Daum
by VITALSIGNon February 24, 2011

On February 25th, posts on various internet community boards revealed that IU was an hour late for her performance at the “Dream High” concert. Netizens are furious over the fact that she wasn’t just late – she had also failed to apologize to the audience for her delay.

According to these netizens, the event was put on hold because of IU, which ended with some fans being forced to return home without being able to experience the entire concert line-up. Some of the concertgoers were of a younger age, and so they had to skip the rest of the concert in order to meet their curfews.

When it was discovered that IU did not make an apology, both her attitude and the poor concert organization was put up on the chopping board.

The controversy heated up even more when IU wrote the following message on her me2day after the concert: “I clenched my jaw and ran and ran today, but all that returned was…… Who is this song for? I really don’t know lately.”

On February 25th, representatives of Loen Entertainment spoke with Asia Economy and revealed, “Regarding the delay, we have to discuss the matter with the producers once more. And unlike what was previously reported, the start of the concert was at 9:00 PM, not 8:30 PM. Honestly, we’d like to reveal the event’s cue sheet, but we’ll be releasing a statement after a meeting with the producers.”

Netizens are speculating that IU was running behind because of her jam-packed scheduled, which had IU appear at a game festival for “Alicia” right after her performance on ”M! Countdown” at 7:00 PM.

Numerous other variables also stood in the way of IU being able to get to the “Dream High” concert on time, such as IU being forced to stay on-site for the live broadcast of a program, which made it impossible for her to traverse from Yongsan to Kyoyang on time.

IU personally apologizes for her me2day post

Source: Medical Today via Nate
by chloejnon February 25, 2011


“昨天和今天因為我而受到傷害、感到不快的朋友們,我真心地致歉。我的眼光太短淺了。”“‘Dream High’演唱會因為我遲到而推遲了,我要向觀眾們、工作人員們以及所有在那裡的朋友們道歉。而且還要為我不成熟、引起憂慮的文章表示道歉。我真的太輕率了。”


The issue regarding IU’s late arrival at the ‘Dream High‘ concert has blown out of proportion however, IU personally released a apology earlier today.

On February 25th, IU updated her me2day saying,

Hello this is IU. I would like to apologize in a different manner but this is the only way for me to express my feelings so I’m sorry for posting this.. I sincerely apologize to all the people who have been hurt or displeased because of me yesterday and today. I was thoughtless… The ‘Dream High’ concert was delayed because I was late. I’m very sorry to the audience, the cast, and all the people that were there. Also, I’m sorry for being immature and causing anxiety by posting words regarding a personal issue before apologizing. I was very flippant.. After being punished and regreting my actions, I will not make a mistake again. I will be a mature and adult-like IU. Those who have been disappointed because of me.. I promise you. Once again, I bow my head before many and apologize. I’m sorry.

The issue of her lateness arose due to her lack of an apology. Hopefully this apology will bring down the drama.

IU's representatives deny exaggerated reports from “Dream High” concert

Source: DongA via Nate
by VITALSIGNon February 24, 2011

They stated, “It is true that IU was late, but she was only 20 minutes late, not one or two hours like some reports have stated. We gave notice of the time change to 8:30 PM a few days before the concert, and notified singers to arrive by 9:00 PM, since gagwoman Bae Young Hee would be performing from 8:30 to 9:00 PM. The concert began at 9:20, and IU was only late for 20 minutes.”

They continued, “The reason for the concert time being changed was not because of IU’s other schedules; rather, it was because of her drama filming. IU worked hard on her morning rehearsal, and the internet blew the entire situation out of proportion.”

IU performs at Alicia’s “Alicia Festival”

Source: Daily Game, MK Internet via Nate
by VITALSIGNon February 24, 2011

On February 24th, IU attended NTREEV SOFT’s “Alicia Festival“, held at the eSports Stadium in Yongsan-gu.

After performing her hit tracks, “Good Day” and “The Story Only I Didn’t Know“, IU logged in for a round of “Alicia“, and shared her impressions of the game.

“I’m usually not good with games, but I think ‘Alicia’ is fun and easy to play. You really feel as if you’re riding a horse when you’re playing it. I learned how to horseback ride for the first time through the CF, so I feel a lot of friendly feelings whenever I see horses now,” she revealed.

The young starlet continued, “I’d like to congratulate the server’s opening, and I hope this game brings a lot of joy to people.”

Approximately 160 “Alicia” players were invited to the event, along with 40 different media and industry representatives.

In production for over five years, NTREEV SOFT finally debuted their unique online game, which features a ‘horseback riding’ acting concept to set it apart from other games dominating the market. “Alicia” servers went live starting February 24th at midnight.

IU reveals CFs for ‘Alicia’ and ‘Samsung Galaxy S Hoppin’

by ramham424on February 23, 2011

Korea’s sweetheart IU has just revealed her CFs for the online game “Alicia“, as well as for the ‘Samsung Galaxy S Hoppin‘!

For the ‘Galaxy S Hoppin’ CF, IU delves into a dreamworld where all her smartphone wishes come true, thanks to Samsung’s new phone. She’s also added her own sweet vocals to CF – in effect, making it a mini-music video – and succeeding in captivating the audience with her cute personality.

Meanwhile, IU has also released a CF for the online game, “The Story of My Horse and I, Alicia”. The starlet is seen running away from an ‘evil force’ with great urgency, but she’s determined to take a leap of faith with her horse and jump off a cliff. As they fly to the sky, IU narrates, “If I’m with you, there’s nowhere I can’t go. The place we’ll go together will soon be a road.

The two ads certainly capture IU in two very different lights: she’s proven that she can be as cute as a bunny, and as fierce as a road warrior!






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