Super Junior的電影《Super Show3 3D》的試映會在23日下午6時在位於首爾的某CGV劇場開幕。這次的電影是將去年8月首爾奧林匹克公園舉行的Super Junior的第三次亞洲巡演首爾公演製作成3D影像。《Super Show3 3D》中《Sorry Sorry》《美人啊》等經典曲目和讓人眼花繚亂的華麗舞台,再現了Super Junior在舞台上的王者之風。Super Junior的3D演唱會電影《Super Show3 3D》將在24日起,在全南韓的CGV上映。

Source: BNT News via Nate
by ramham424on February 23, 2011

Popular idol group Super Junior recently held a film screening for their concert film, ‘Super Show 3 in 3D‘.

On February 23rd, Leeteuk, Yesung, and Shindong dropped in for the event and watched the concert film with their fans in a CGV theater in Seoul.

Before the screening, leader Leeteuk showed his enthusiasm for the film by saying “It’s very cool how you can feel the sensation that you could usually only experience in concerts. I hope many viewers come and enjoy our ‘Super Show’“. Yesung commented, “It’s my first appearance in a movie after ‘The Attack of the Pin-Up Boys“, so this reminds me of old memories“.
Shindong made the audience laugh by glibly expressing, “I’m looking forward to seeing myself in 3D. I might pop right out so don’t get too surprised!“.

During the screening, fans enjoyed Super Junior’s ‘concert’ by wearing 3D glasses and energetically waving blue lightsticks. Reportedly, the film was enough to feel like they were in the crackling atmosphere of a concert, and they enjoyed the big fun-filled variety concert.

Starting on February 24th, ‘Super Show 3D’ will be shown in all CGV theaters, allowing the fans who’ve missed the concert to catch the event. Hot responses are also expected from those fans who want to experience a different element to the concert.

The film captured Super Junior’s concert in the Seoul Olympic Park Gymnasium from last August.
SM Entertainment is expected to create and produce more 3D contents in the future, so stay tuned for more updates!

Super Junior經紀公司:三月演出不受影響

台灣的菁富公司與南韓HS公司就Super Junior來台演出出現合約糾紛,Super Junior的經紀公司(S.M. ENTERTAINMENT公司)晚間發表聲明,強調今年1月22號的演出並沒有跟台灣公司直接簽約,來台演出的合約中也註明「有一成員不能出席」,而 HS公司是負責此次演出的仲介公司,而非經紀公司,台灣菁富公司無權對Super Junior來台演出要求法院作出假處分,三月份的演出也會照常進行。


屢破台灣排行榜記錄、從2010紅到2011的韓國天團Super Junior(簡稱SJ)子團Super Junior-M(簡稱SJ-M)旋風訪台宣傳前夕,驚爆合約糾紛,SJ隸屬之SME公司深夜11點後透過台灣經紀公司澄清合約簽署關係,大呼粉絲別擔 心,演唱會必定如期舉行。

一月份邀請SJ來台參加韓流風尚聯合演唱會的菁富傳播有限公司,控告仲介此活動的韓星經紀HS公司惡意違約,隱瞞 SJ重要成員崔始源無法出席訊息,導致五千歌迷退票、票房慘賠一千八百萬元,且不排除假處分之要求,讓SJ演唱會三月台灣場中止。說明記者會於2/22在 立法院由國民黨籍立委盧秀燕陪同舉辦,新聞一出引起一片譁然,演唱會可能取消傳言更讓相關單位電話被SJ粉絲打爆。

不過網路上的BBS網友馬上串連,一一舉證反駁菁富公司說詞為偶像澄清,率先指出韓流風尚演唱會透過博客來網站銷售,演唱會十天前就不能退票,但主辦在三天前才宣布有成員無法出席,五千退票是因SJ成員造成一說由何而來?同時,立委盧秀燕個人部落格留言數從個位數爆 增近600則,粉絲紛紛要求立委看清楚再說明白,勿聽信片面之詞而用詞曖昧抹煞偶像好形象。

而SME公司透過台灣經紀福隆公司發表聲明,說明1/22之演唱會並非與HS公司簽約,而是授權給名為『Korea KO』之公司,合約簽署前已知演出時間有一成員另有工作,因此,合約上有註明『有一成員不能出席』。此聲明表示合作過程中完全沒有欺騙或是隱瞞,SJ從頭到尾與HS公司無關,故三月演唱會不受影響、假處分在此合作關係下顯然無成立機會。


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