法院判定SM如干涉JYJ 每次將賠償2000萬韓幣


首爾中央支檢表示:『SM不得干擾JYJ的演藝活動。如果SM每違反一次該規定那麼將支付JYJ2000萬韓幣的賠償金』。JYJ方面的相關人士在 接受TV DAILY記者的電話採訪時則表示:『根據法院的立場,顯然他們沒能考慮到接連不斷的放送演出,但是大家如果能理解對於JYJ有很大幫助的法院決定就更好 了』。『希望大眾與放送有關人士對此事持續關注,也希望他們能為娛樂圈的合理發展增添一些力量,希望法院的判決能成為JYJ活動的希望』。


Source: OSEN via Nate
by VITALWARNING on February 23, 2011

On February 21st, the Seoul Central District Court has ordered SM Entertainment to pay compensation to JYJ for indirectly restricting and hindering their activities.

The court stated, “SM Entertainment should not have hindered JYJ’s celebrity activities. For this violation, we demand that SM Entertainment pay JYJ $17,000 USD for every time they have obstructed or will obstruct JYJ’s activities.”

They continued, “Even though a preliminary decision was made on October 27th 2009 to nullify their exclusive contracts, SM Entertainment conducted a press conference on November 11th 2009, through which they stated that JYJ must still abide by the terms of their exclusive contract. Additionally on October 2nd 2010, the agency sent certified requests to Warner Music Korea, requesting to stop the production and distribution of JYJ’s world-wide album.”

“We recognize these acts as impeding on JYJ’s celebrity activities and made the decision to put down this order.”

The CEO of CJ Entertainment, Park Chang Ju, expressed, “There remains a lot of mountains we must cross. It’s still a frustrating situation, where we must overcome even more barriers for JYJ to meet the public.”

‘ELLE’ to release additional copies of JYJ Jaejoong's photo spread

JYJ金在中變身殺手 魅惑氣質吸睛

JYJ金在中變身孤獨的殺手。JYJ成員金在中受邀為時尚雜誌《ELLE》3月刊拍攝,並在LA, 紐約,北京以及首爾等地應景拍攝了多張殺手照片,魅惑神情震撼了不少女性芳心。當天拍攝現場,在中一見到工作人員就表示:「大家都不是阿姨,而是姐姐」,一席話立刻讓現場活躍起來。

而之後的採訪中在中也透露了不少心事,他稱:「最初往海外發展時沒什麼自信,在機場連招手都做不好,每次都只躲在其他成員的後面。亞洲的粉絲朋友們 對我的印象就是唱歌跳舞都不錯,謝謝大家這樣評價我」,表達對眾多粉絲的感謝之情,接著又說道:「小的時候就想給人帥氣堅強的形象,但現在覺得自由才是最 好的」,首次袒露出道8年來想要獲得更多自由的心情。在中的照片在開拍前就引起粉絲的關注,而雜誌也在發行前就已在網絡預售中銷售一空,甚至出現追加出版的現象,在中的超高人氣令人驚嘆。此外,3月刊還將登出李勝基在紐約以及曼哈頓拍攝的時尚照片。

Source: Star News
by VITALWARNING on February 24, 2011

Fashion magazine ELLE has announced that they will be producing additional copies of their March issue, thanks to Jaejoong’s sexy photo spread.

Fans felt their hearts flutter at the unique concept Jaejoong donned for the new photo spread, for which he portrays a beautiful assassin. But that’s not all – ‘ELLE’ also included an in-depth interview with the star, who discussed his personal insecurity issues and his hopes for the future.

An excerpt from the interview reads: “During the beginning of our overseas advancement, I didn’t have much confidence in myself and couldn’t shake hands with people at the airport properly. Moreover, I even hid behind the other members.”

Jaejoong also expressed his gratitude for the unchanging love from the fans, “I think the Asian fans received good impressions of our image, singing and performances, which is why they think nicely of us.”

He continued, “When we were younger, we were always daring to show a stronger and more masculine side to us, but now, we think we need to show a more composed image.”
‘ELLE’ will be releasing additional copies of Jaejoong’s photo spread from February 24th onwards.

Jaejoong's photo spread for ELLE

by GhostWriter on February 21, 2011

JYJ’s very own Jaejoong is featured in a full photo spread for the March edition of ELLE Korea magazine.

Jaejoong also filmed a 60 minute movie for ELLE TV, which is slated for release on March 18th.
Check out the teaser for the movie along with the photo spread below.


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