Catalog No. VNCM-6019
JAN 4571295420553
Release Date 2011/03/09

流麗なメロディにのせて響く珠玉のヴォーカルと繊細なコーラスワークが生み出す切なくも前向きなミディアムチューン! 2月末からオンエアされるKOSE"エスプリーク プレシャス"新CMソングに決定。イメージキャラクターも倉木麻衣が担当! 初回限定盤は、ジャケットのアナザーショットやオフショットなどが満載の「MAI KURAKI SPECIAL PHOTO BOOK」(全24P)付。 ※初回限定盤と通常盤ではジャケット絵柄が異なります。

by kurumi on February 22, 2011

Pop singer Kuraki Mai has just unveiled a short teaser for her upcoming single, “1000 Mankai no Kiss”!

“1000 Mankai no Kiss” will be released on March 9th, and appears to be a pop song with influence from the 90s. For fans who couldn’t wait for the single to drop, Kuraki has released a forty-second teaser of the music video. The clips switch between close-ups, shots of Kuraki singing in a dark room, and scenes showing the singer running happily along the beach.

Check out the teaser below!

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