2NE1進軍日本令人期待 有望成為南韓最後的巨星
在公開宣布進軍日本之前,2NE1曾於去年11月登上在日本舉行的《首爾-東京音樂節2010》,從中驗證了她們在日本活動的成功可能性。當天,她 們充滿魄力的舞台與其他女子組合完全不同,吸引了日本粉絲的關注。少女時代、Kara、BigBang雖然也獲得了粉絲的歡呼聲,但他們都已經在日本展開 活動並有了固定的粉絲群,2NE1尚未進軍日本在現場就能獲得如此高的人氣令人驚嘆。
2NE1在日本的合作方前景也很明朗,該公司曾幫助BoA、東方神起等明星成功在日本娛樂圈佔據一席之地。YG的楊玄石代表表示:「日本的合作方親 自準備2NE1的活動,對她們投入了很多的心血,YG也很期待2NE1在日本的活動。」2NE1成員出眾的語言能力也是她們的一大長處,CL能夠熟練運用 法語、英語、日語,而Sandara精通中文與菲律賓語,樸春則擅長英語與日語,目前她們還在猛攻日語。2NE1將於下月9日在日本發行《Go Away》日語版本,由此正式展開在日本的活動。她們出眾的音樂才能、充滿個性的時尚造型、與其他女子組合不同的魄力將在日本引發怎樣的熱潮令人期待。
Source: Sanspo + Avex Official Website
by GhostWriter on February 22, 2011
《產經新聞》等日本傳媒23日報道,南韓女子組合2NE1同日本最大經紀公司Avex簽署合同,將正式在日本出道。報道介紹說,2NE1從2009年5月在南韓出道後,橫掃30多個音樂獎,廣受歌迷的追捧。在正式出道之前,將從下月9日起推出用日語演唱的《Go Away》。2NE1的領隊CL表示,對日本出道我們期待已久,並且也做好充分準備,目前整裝待發。
4 member Korean girl group, 2NE1, will finally debut in Japan. The group is known for their R&B-electric sound, their cool dance performances and their colorful fashion.
When AVEX saw 2NE1’s high quality performances, their unique fashion sense and their achievements in Korea; the company immediately began contract negotiations to bring them to Japan. This past October, they officially signed the group to their label.
2NE1 will debut in Japan this spring with the Japanese version of their Korean track,“GO AWAY”; the Japanese lyrics will be about a strong girl. On March 9th, Recochoku will release “GO AWAY” as a Chaku Uta (ringtone) that fans can download. The girls are looking to advance not only in Japan, but America as well. The group’s leader, CL (19), commented, “You’ve all waited a long time for us to debut in Japan. We’ll do our best to live up to your expectations”.
Statement on AVEX’s official website:
“2NE1 will be having their long-awaited Japanese debut this spring with the single “GO AWAY”!
“CAN’T NOBODY (ENG VER)” will also be included. We’ll update you with the official release date with details as soon as it’s determined. “GO AWAY” will be released as a Chaku Uta (r) on March 9th~”