Source + Photos: My Star News via Daum
by VITALSIGN on February 23, 2011
2月22日播出的KBS2電視台的周一周二劇《Dream High》中,金必淑(IU飾)在Jason(張佑榮飾)的支持下出演了電視節目。在節目中,必淑由於過去曾82公斤的照片被曝光,曾短暫驚慌地不知所措,但很快她便找回了平靜,迅速平復了這場突發事件。在節目結束後,兩人一起來到了禮拜堂,必淑說起了自己過去的事情。對於自己的過去,必淑沒有感到羞愧,非常大方。
Fans of KBS’s “Dream High” felt their hearts flutter at the ultra-cute kiss scene between ‘Pilsook’ (IU) and ‘Jason’ (Wooyoung)!
The February 22nd episode saw Jason provide an opportunity for Pil Sook to appear on broadcast. On their way home, Jason suggested that she delete the photos of her former chubby self, to which she replied, “Those were my happiest days.”
He responded, “Well, there is one other person who loved those days as well.” Jason took out his cell phone and flashed a photo of her from when she was 82kg to prove his point.
Touched, the two exchanged intense gazes before Pil Sook closed her eyes, expecting a kiss. Feeling playful, Jason decided to stretch out and give her stuffed animal a kiss instead. He teased, “Why are you closing your eyes? Did you expect something?“ Pil Sook gloomily retorted, “I didn’t expect anything!”
Jason then gave her a light peck on the forehead, which inspired Pil Sook to wrap her arms around his neck and tiptoeing, pull him down for a kiss.
Netizens commented, “Not showing the actual kiss scene was a lot more romantic,” “I want IU’s tip-toe kiss too!”, and “The hearts of her uncle fans have been demolished!”
Check out the cut below!
金秀炫真情演技令人氣飆升 《Dream High》結局即將揭曉
22日播放的《Dream High》的第15集中,金秀炫真情演繹,追回就要同父親去美國的惠美。站在惠美的房門前悲傷地問著『不走可以嗎?』的三東,雖然去追趕惠美,但是無奈公車已經開走。就這樣沒能挽留住惠美的三東,臉上汩汩流淌的淚水和悲傷的神情,讓人扼腕嘆息。此外,決定留在南韓的惠美走向傷心的三東,從後拍著他的背的場景被選定為當天經典場面之一。令『農藥情侶』三東和惠美的愛情水漲船高。而希望已獲得出道機會的三東能成為K項鏈主人的呼聲越來越高。
播放結束後,觀眾紛紛留言說『希望三東夢想,愛情全部實現,加油~』『讓我們看下三東創造的奇蹟吧~』另外飾演天才音樂少年宋三東的金秀炫,從純真到帥氣的不同模樣,也讓他人氣飆升。《Dream High》緊張拍攝中的金秀賢,最近又要開始為以後紛至沓來的電視劇電影廣告的邀請而陷入甜蜜的苦悶中了。另外,森東和惠美的愛情結局以及K項鏈的主人公究竟是誰,將在28日的結局中一一揭開謎底。
miss A surprises Suzy with a visit on the “Dream High” set
Source: Newsen via Nate
by VITALSIGN on February 23, 2011
miss A出演“現場脫口秀 taxi”,突然造訪“Dream High”拍攝地為秀智打氣
miss A的霏、佳和Min一起出演了tvN的“現場脫口秀taxi”,當天為了給正在拍攝“Dream High”的秀智助威,突然前往拍攝現場探班。成員們到達寒冷的拍攝現場後大吃一驚,表示現在瞭解秀智受了多少苦了。另外,她們還現場表演了歌曲“Breathe”,使氛圍很融洽。話題從對秀智演技的質疑展開,成員們說:“秀智演技挺好,但是好像表情有點彆扭。我們一有時間就會幫她練習劇本。”
miss A
’s Min, Fei, and Jia recently guested on tvN’s “Taxi“, and they decided to make a surprise visit to their maknae, who was filming for her on-going drama, “Dream High“.
Upon entering the film set, the girls immediately took notice of the freezing weather and exclaimed, “I think we know how much Suzy suffers now.” In order to ‘warm’ up the atmosphere, the girls performed their hit track “Breathe” right then and there!
When asked to comment on the criticisms about Suzy’s acting, the members honestly answered, “Suzy is actually good at acting, but I think it’s because of her awkward facial expressions that caused this issue. We’re helping her with her script-reading every chance we get.”
Min also revealed, “Suzy is the tallest out of us all, but she started wearing insoles first. If Suzy uses one insole, Fei uses two. Then I inevitably have to use three!”Later, Min made a surprising confession when she revealed, “When I received training in the U.S., I dated an American boy.” Min then described her ex as a cute ‘hip hop style’ boy.
When asked about her previous debut in the U.S, she replied, “At the time, Park Jin Young told me that I ‘didn’t have the face to debut in Korea.’ He said that Americans preferred Asian faces, and that it’d be beneficial for me to debut there. I had to go on a diet while training, and since I love eating, it was difficult. I hid hamburgers in my bag and ate it secretly.”
Check out the rest of their segment on February 24th at 12 AM KST.
Miss A秀智的弟弟是樹懶娃娃?
Miss A成員秀智公開了和弟弟一起拍的照片。2月22日,秀智在自己的微博上發表文章《我和弟弟》,並上傳了照片。她所說的弟弟不是人,而是一只樹懶娃娃。網友們紛紛留言說“秀智和弟弟都非常可愛”,“我做秀智的弟弟不行嗎?”等。秀智目前正在拍攝KBS2電視台的電視劇《Dream High》。
Check out Suzy's photos from her childhood acting days!
Source + Picture: Osen
by ektha16 on February 22, 2011
It seems like miss A’s Suzy had always felt the call to act, as demonstrated by these photos from her elementary school’s musical.
In the pictures, fans were able to see young Suzy acting diligently as fairy queen ‘Titania’ from “A Midsummer Night’s Dream“. The play was done when Suzy was in sixth grade, and although she wore makeup and had a heavy costume, fans noted that she was as beautiful then as she is now.
Some even noted that her facial expression back then reminded them of Suzy’s current character, ‘Go Hyemi’, from KBS’s “Dream High”.
[Spoiler: Dream High] Pilsuk and Jason share…
Source: Newsen via Nate
by VITALWARNING on February 22, 2011
A kiss scene between IU and Jang Wooyoung on a recent episode of “Dream High” has become the talk of the town amongst the viewers lately.
After the 14th episode of “Dream High”, which was broadcast on February 21st, a short teaser of the 15th episode was aired, in which Kim Pilsuk (IU) and Jason (Jang Wooyoung) share a kiss scene together.
With regards to this, a KBS representative stated, “The kiss scene between Wooyoung and IU is receiving a lot of interest from fans. But rather than it being a kiss, Wooyoung just pecks IU’s forehead.”
According to the teaser on the official homepage of “Dream High”, Kim Pilsuk guest appears on a cable broadcast by the request of Jason. However, the program suddenly shows a past photo of Pilsuk, throwing Pilsuk into bewilderment. Piksuk says, “Those were my happiest days,” to which Jason added, “There is one more person who also liked those days too.”
Check out the teaser below!
IU releases alternate version of “The Story Only I Didn’t Know” MV
by sarahsusiepak on February 22, 2011
An alternate music video of IU’s “The Story Only I Didn’t Know” has just been revealed!
Called the “lip version”, the video shows just IU singing (or rather, lip-syncing) to the song. A representative of Loen Entertainment stated, “In order to pay back the love her fans have given her, we created this new music video. You will surely feel a different charm compared to the original.”
Regardless, who couldn’t use a little more IU? Enjoy the video below!